"Tell me that boy humbled you in the last hour," Louis says picking up the intensity and flicking to day 4. "He...he did," Lux whispers. Austin's words slapped her hard. Louis stops reading and looks at her then puts the itinerary down. "I was being smart, but...tell me," Louis says. She can see the genuine concern on his face. It's odd. She has friends but always keeps them at arm's length - her sharp tongue, dry humor, and bitchy face make it hard for people to get close to her. It's intentional. She has known Louis for four days - he can read her like a book and he is the closest person to her. She also knows she will keep him close for a lifetime.

"He said he hated that I never came back. He would have taken me back even after cheating on him."

"You did not cheat on him."

"He does not know that."

Louis is quiet for a moment, looking off into the distance and biting the inside of his mouth as she watches him.

"Would you take your ex back, Louis?"

"Fuck no."

Lux pours them coffee then sits back and looks at whatever Louis is looking at - just the sea.

"I would be weak if someone had so much power over me. That they could hurt me so much and still make me love them..."

"Well, then you are pretty much fucked, Lux, You are the weakest woman I know."

It's true. She is weak for Austin. He makes her feel venerable and given what he said to her just now - he is no different when it comes to her. "What do I do?  Tell me," Lux says, she can hear the desperation in her voice. Louis sighs and takes a sip of his coffee - being nice is just as painful for him as it is for her. They are kindred spirits.

"Everyone has a piece of advice or a fucking how-to manual. How to fix your relationship. How to move on. How to this and how to fucking that. Sometimes you just have to not listen to anyone, stop thinking, and let go - just let life fucking happen and trust the person you are with."

"Is that what you did?"

"Yes. Everyone wanted to talk. Have mediations. Worked shit out...so I packed up and left. I let life happen and last night I hacked into all my brother's social media accounts and sent all his ex-girlfriends messages from him - begging them to take him back. He has some crazy ex's he was hiding from. I also gave them my ex's address and asked them to meet him there. Around about now, shit will be hitting the fan back home. I feel good and you can't find that in a how-to manual. And right now I trust the person I am with because she is just letting me fucking heal without trying to tell me how to do it - no judgments."

"You are soft for me...and psychotic."

Louis laughs then flicks his head to behind Lux. Lux stands and turns to see Austin walking toward her. She waits till he gets over half way then walks over to meet him as he stops and watches her.


"I never came back because I didn't deserve your forgiveness for what I said. I also did not come back because you hurt me too and I was angry. We were hurting each other and we were toxic. That's just the way it was."


"And I don't want to get into a slinging match about whose pain is worse. It fucking hurt no matter which way you look at it."


"I mean it. If you want to get into it with me then fine, but I have some things to say too and you will hear them. It's not all about you."


"But, you did say we should wait until after-"

"Will you shut the fuck up for a second? Fuck. I agree with you. You don't think I know this is insane. There is a part of me that wants to hate you for the rest of my life but...I just...we never gave ourselves a fucking chance and...fuck, Lux, I am tired of fighting with myself. I agree with you, Ok?"

Lux bites the skin inside her cheek and looks at him for a second. "Ok," she agrees. "Ok, come," Austin says taking her hand and leading her to the breakfast area. They sit down at the table but no one pays them any attention as they all seem to be talking to each other frantically - looks like a lot of emotional shit so Lux intends to zone out. "Pete had to go home. He looks after his grandmother and she fell and broke her hip," Austin whispers. "Lucky bastard," Lux mumbles sitting up to look for Demi - no doubt she is having a meltdown at her now fucked up wedding party. "She is with Shawn," Austin says.

"What are we going to do? We have to do something!" Hailey says wiping tears away. "This will ruin the whole wedding!" Petra says, also crying. "Dramatic. If it is such a big thing why don't one of you girls step down?" Lux says. "Because, bitches for life," Jessica whispers with a soft hiccup. "So then get a replacement," Lux says. "It's not that easy. I had the perfect wedding party and now the whole wedding is ruined," Demi sits down. She looks like she had a death in the family. "You have a million cousins here, pick one," Lux says. "No. Each person was chosen very carefully. Everyone is linked personally and any replacement has to be very special. My life is ruined," Demi says sniffling as Shawn pulls her to his chest.

"I sure hope Pete's grandmother is ok," Austin says giving everyone a pointed look. They all look back at him with guilty faces and then hang their heads in shame. Lux has to bite her laugh back. "We care, it's just...different problems," Hailey says. "I have a friend," Lux says. Everyone stops and stares at her.

"You...you have a friend?" Demi asks.




"How close are you?"

"Close. Best friend."

Lux rolls her eyes as everyone gasps and Harry drops his juice. "Is he real?" Shawn asks then hides his eyes when Lux glares at him. Austin chuckles. "He's nice. I met him. A male version of Lux," he says. "Well...if he is so close to you then I would like him in the wedding party. Do you think he will be happy to step up?" Demi asks. He will hate it. "He will be happy to," Lux says. "Ok, well could you ask him now?" Demi asks. "Sure, I will go ask him right now," Lux says standing then stops when everyone else stands too. "What's happening?" she asks. "We are coming with you. I want to meet your best friend," Demi says. Louis would hate everyone standing on his patio steps starting at him. "Ok, he would love to meet you all," Lux says grinning. "Luxie...is this such a good idea? I think playing with Louis is like playing with fire," Austin whispers. "I like playing with fire, Austin," Lux says as they walk back toward her room.

Louis is on his patio still. Relaxed on his chair with his feet crossed at the ankle on the table as he soaks up the sun. She watches him as she walks across the lawn with the entire wedding party including her grandmother, mother, and Austin's parents He looks so relaxed, not a care in the world. She sees him turn his head and see them then shakes his head and goes back to soaking up the morning sun. When they get closer he turns and looks at them again then frowns when he sees they have not changed direction. As they get closer he sits up straight and takes his sunglasses off.

He does not look happy.

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