Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

Suddenly all the drones around us explode and Peter comes flying through the floor. He grabs Beck, punches through his glass fish bowl on his head and holds me from one of his straps. Peter is sticking to the roof as Beck doesn't even get near the ground.

"Your lies are over Beck.

"Eh, this certainly isn't ideal but I have contingencies...Edith?" Suddenly the drone that was behind Beck shoots Peter and he drops Beck and flies backwards landing all the way on the other side of the walkway.

"Just give me Stark and the glasses." I try not to look deeper into him asking for me first but I still smile a little on the inside

"Oh, you want these?" He pulls the glasses from his shirt and pulls me up off the ground

"Come and get them." He starts an illusion up again

This time Peter closes his eyes and goes for the drones, not thinking just dodging all the shots and drones. One by one he takes down the drones without even a single thought. The famed "Peter Tingle" was online again.

"Why aren't these drones firing?" He asks Edith and looks down at the control panel on his arm

"You are in the strike zone, the chance of getting hit is.."

"NO FIRE ALL THE DRONES NOW!" He screams and demands the drones to fire against Peter. I can see him physically shaking with anger against the AI

Peter is using a drone as a shield, he throws it away and jumps on top of another drone while throwing it into a different one. This causes the drones to circle around while firing. I can see the outcome before it happens.

The drones are in slow motion, I see it fire and turn, I then feel something hit my armor and go through it. I can see Beck gets hit too, he has no armor so that's just expected. He collapses beside me as my hands go to the holes in my stomach. I look down and see blood coming through my suit, my brand new Birthday present suit.

I think I'm in shock, I can't feel the pain of the bullets. Everything is still in slow motion. I see Peter destroy the last drone and look towards me.

"Taila!" He screams my real name, he takes off his mask as he limps over to me

Beck is on the floor beside me. I look down to my hands and see them covered in blood. Peter walks up to be and quickly puts my hands over the holes in my body again.

"Oh no! Taila! Oh my god! I can't lose you! Taila!" My mind is blank, I think, or at least it feels blank. Maybe because there's no blood in it, because all of it is on my hands.

I don't know how I'm even standing right now. I got shot, by my own creation, my own thought baby and it's going to kill me. A wave of coldness flows through me as I realize I could very well be dying right now.

Peters looks towards Beck, "You lied to me and I trusted you."

"You know, that's..the...most..disappointing part. You're a good person Peter....such a weakness..." Beck starts to hand Peter the Edith glasses

"Stark was right, you do deserve them..."

I jump hearing a gunshot, Peter's hand flys out beside him and grabs something that's not there. Beck goes limp below him. The Beck on the ground disappears, he was an illusion. Then standing in front of me and next to Peter is Beck. He is standing straight up, a gun pointed so close to Peter's head he might as well be touching him with it.

Peter's hand is on the gun and Beck's. He squeezes his hand which makes Beck drop the gun in surprise.

"You can't trick me anymore". Peter grabs the glasses off of Beck's face

Legacy: A Spiderman/Peter Parker Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now