Chapter 2

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Your mom finishes curling your hair, and it looks amazing. Now you have to worry about your makeup situation. You don't really remember how you used to do it due to not using it for so long.

You pull the basket full of makeup out from your drawer and take it to your vanity. You have to come up with something in 15 minutes. it was now 8:15. You start with moisturizer and then concealer, followed by some foundation and bronzer. Then your mind blanks after that. You apply mascara, and then decide to just color your brows a bit and apply some eyeshadow and lipgloss. You also apply some liquid blush.

After finishing your casual makeup look, you close up your makeup and put it back in the basket and take it back to the drawer. You then take your clothes back off and throw them in the hamper. You slide the pretty dress back on and admire yourself now that your hair and makeup is done. You go back to your vanity and out on some rings and a pretty gold necklace in the shape of a small heart that compliments your dark hair.

You grab a small clutch purse with your wallet and phone and lipgloss and make your way downstairs.

When your mom sees you, her face glows with excitement.

"Oh my!! My babies all grown up!!" She says hugging you.

"Okay mom we get it!" You say chuckling.

She backs up and keeps her hands on your arms.

"Alright, alright. Just remember, don't get wasted tonight and if anybody tried anything, call me and i'll destroy them" She says with a serious tone maintaining eye contact.

"Mom, come on now." You say back to her.

"And most importantly, have fun tonight!" She winks at you.

"Oh and also i need to borrow your heels." You say to her.

She stares at you for a minute. "Whatever, they're in my closet." She shrugs.

You then get a text from Eden telling you that she's outside.

You walk outside and get in her car.

"Areum!!! You look great!! I didn't even think that was you walking out the door!!" She says shocked.

"Wow, that's kinda hurtful" You say back to her.

She just laughs and drives off.
Once you guys get to the club, you both make you way over to the bar and order some shots. You and Eden are talking shit about your high school teachers and classmates that you hated. You both drink for hours and dance until you're basically stumbling and have no idea what's happening anymore.

You ended up having to call an uber, even though Eden would have to figure out how to get her car back.
A/N: So i'm very aware this chapter is just short and boring, but i swear i'm trying here. It's also 12:30 at night and i'm tired but can't sleep so i'm writing this story instead. Anyway, I hope it gets more interesting as you keep reading.

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