was stunned, and when he looked at Ye Yu blankly, two small flowers appeared on the display screen.

Bai Guo "Wow wow oh" twice, and said with a bad smile: "It says it likes you."

Ye Yushi smiled: "Okay, don't make trouble, we should go pick persimmons, and corn!"

When he said this, he unlocked the soundproofing by the way, and the audience who was still hiding something when

he was still chanting Ye Yu immediately forgot this and said excitedly: [

Boiled corn! Boiled corn that was said before when it rains!

】 【And zombie persimmons, crunchy and sweet persimmons! 】

】 The yard

where persimmons were planted was next door, and Ye Yu took them close to the persimmon tree, compared to the previous days, the persimmons looked more and more beautiful in the past two days, and they were hung all over the branches one by one.

However, persimmons hang high on the branches, and it is more laborious to pick.

"Let's look in the yard and see if there are any useful tools." Bai Guo said.

There are also certain rules when simulating the scene, such as this one planting persimmons, it will definitely not be eaten, then there must be tools. Of course, it is not ruled out that they climb directly up the tree.

Finally, in a pile of brooms and various bamboo poles, Ye Yu found a tool that could barely be regarded as picking persimmons. It was made of bamboo poles, connected by a tenon structure. There is also a curved piece of wood across it, and there are hooks on both sides.

Ye Yushi thought for a while, found a half-broken bamboo basket on the side, and then stuck a piece of cloth in the bamboo basket. After that, connect the bamboo basket with the wood that runs horizontally on the bamboo pole.

"Is it reliable?" Bai Guo circled around this tool.

"I don't know." Ye Yushi shook his head solemnly, "You have to watch it later, if the persimmon falls, it will follow, don't break it."

The white fruit cat cat was shocked: "It's too much, it's too demanding for me." The

three little guys of Badou had already run to Ye Yushi and raised their hands, indicating that they would catch it well.

"Sycophants." Shirogo hummed.

Ye Yushi had already picked up his tools and was ready to pick persimmons. He held the bamboo pole in both hands, observed for a long time, found a more suitable place for picking persimmons, held the tool forward, found a persimmon, and then approached. When the cloth bag approached the persimmon, Ye Yu twisted the corner between the bamboo pole and the bag, and the branch broke in response, and the persimmon on it also fell into the cloth bag.

"It worked!" Bai Guo cheered.

The barrage also followed with cheers and scattered gifts.

[Although this tall tree can be easily caught after my ability to mimic it, I am still very excited to see it plucked with this very ancient tool during the rain]

This was unanimously recognized by everyone.

Ye Yushi took down the persimmon that had been clipped off just now. Remove the branches on top, leaving only persimmons and stems, and the round persimmons are pleasing to look at.

Ye Yushi did the same and quickly picked more than ten persimmons. Put all these persimmons in a frame. Ye Yu put it aside, and transported it back with the insect two in the evening.

After picking persimmons, you also have to pick some fresh tender corn and go back.

They went to the cornfield when Ye Yu, but he was in no hurry to go in. Corn leaves are still a little cut if touched with their bare hands. He went out with a pair of gloves, which would protect his hands with gloves, and then walked towards the cornfield.

The young corn that has just matured, when the leaves rain, is picked from the periphery, take a corn, peel off the leaves on it, and with a gentle pinch with your fingers, the epidermis will crack, revealing the white juice inside.

When Ye Yu broke his hand, a corn fell into the palm of his hand. He threw it back, and the second worm took it, and then handed it to Early, and the first three or four were skinned early, the corn whiskers on top were removed, and then the last eight buckets took it and put it in the frame.

The four of them cooperated harmoniously, only Bai Guo, who originally walked slowly next to the four of Ye Yushi, occasionally helped them bump the corn stalk so as not to scratch Ye Yushi's cheeks, but suddenly a bunch of corn whiskers fluttered on his head.

On the head, in front of the eyes are all hanging.

Bai Guo looked up at the dangling corn whiskers in front of him and sneezed hard. When he reacted to what happened to him, he quickly fried, sprang out of the corn stalk, and shook his body wildly.

"Blah blah, blah, Spit out the corn whiskers sucked in its mouth, and it used its paws to fiddle with it, but because it couldn't see, it became more and more chaotic, and when Ye Yushi finished picking the corn and went back to find him, he found that Bai Guo had turned into a little dirty cat and was looking at them lovelessly.

"Poof." Ye Yushi didn't hold back, hiding his lips and smiling.

Bai Guo's expression became even more mournful, and then he flicked his sharp gaze towards the three culprits.

Three little robots you look at me and I look at you, and finally raise their arms at the same time.

They surrendered.

"Okay, I'll clean it up for you." Ye Yushi squatted down and reached out to help it gently get rid of those annoying whiskers. He moved meticulously, and soon Bai Guo's fur was clean again.

Bai Guo sighed, finally comfortable.

"Okay, it's not early, it's time for us to wash our hands and eat." Ye Yushi said.

Hearing the meal, Bai Guo's spirit came, and he quickly pushed his calf and signaled to go quickly.

A few people returned to the village, and Ye Yushi took a bucket of water from the well, and the cool well water swept over his hands, and the weather was already a little cold in early autumn.

Bai Guo muttered and said: "This water is too cold, it's not good for you, bring the thermos directly next time." "Good

." Ye Yushi answered, spread a cloth on the stone table, laid out food for himself and Bai Guo, and then gave the robot maintenance package box he had purchased earlier to the three little guys.

One person, one cat, three little robots officially started their first lunch outside!

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