The Beach

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Charles POV

It is rare that you'll find me in a passenger seat. It's just a known fact that if ever we're going somewhere, I'm the driver.

I see Arthur and Elise exiting the bedroom, bags in hand.

"Are you guys ready?" I ask.

"Yes." Elise answers.

My mom has already answered the door and has started talking to Amelie. To be honest, I haven't seen Amelie much. My brother's relationship is very new so I met his girlfriend once at a Ferrari gala. She was my brother's plus 1. Even so, we talked for less than 5 minutes which reveals that I do not know her at all. However, my first impression of her was that she was a nice girl. Exactly what Arthur needs in my opinion.

"What are you studying at school Amelie?" I hear my Mom ask Arthur's girlfriend.

"I'm studying fashion. I love everything about my program. My dream is to become a fashion designer." She responds.

"That's a great dream! It will be hard but I'm sure you're gonna succeed." Mom reassures Amelie.

We are now just in front of the door. Elise sees Amelie and walks over to present herself.

"Hi, Amelie! I'm Elise. Nice to meet you." Elise tells her.

"Hello, Elise! I heard so much about you." Amelie answers.

"I hope the things you heard were positive." Elise jokes while looking at my brother.

Arthur simply smiles. He doesn't look very comfortable with the interaction. Did he even want them to meet? I'm not sure.

They exchange for about a minute until we decide it is time to leave. We all head out to my Ferrari. I should've probably taken another vehicule since fans recognize this car often.

"I'm shotgun!" Arthur shouts.

"No, you're not. You're in the back." Elise calls out.

"What makes you get the final decision? I called it out first. I'm also older." Arthur comments.

Omg, they are children. I can't believe this is something I have to deal with on the daily.

"My car, my rules." I voice.

"Charles I can give you a back massage if you let me be shotgun." Elise offers all innocently.

"No, no Charles. I'll give you...You know what? I'm happy sitting with my lovely girlfriend in the back." Arthur says.

Amelie blushes at that comment.

We arrive at the beach after about 20 minutes. The girls wanted to tan a little bit so Arthur and I decided to go on a walk.

"Do you think I'll ever get in f1?" Arthur asks me, wanting me to reassure him.

I'm obviously not going to lie to him. As it stands, for the moment, Arthur will not end up in f1. He is not a bad driver, don't get me wrong. He's just not at the top. Only the best of the best make it to Formula 1.

"Listen, Arthur, let me just say your small break didn't help your future career. You're a good driver. You just have to push more." I explain to my brother.

"Yeah. I'm trying. It's hard."

"Don't worry. I know. Just don't give up." I encourage him.

There's a small silence where neither one of us is talking.

"Do you like Amelie?" Arthur asks.

"Yeah, yeah I do. I've always liked your taste in girls Arthur."

He processes my comment for way more time than I'd think.

After about an hour, we are back to our initial arrival positions.

Elise POV

Amelie is a really sweet girl. Perfect for Arthur. We talked about so many things that it would be hard to recapitulate our whole conversation.

"Hey, boys. How was the walk?" Amelie asks.

"It was fine. We've been here so many times so nothing is quite new." Arthur says.

"Hey, Arthur. Why don't you go show Amelie that really pretty sight we just saw?" Charles suggests.

"Ohh. Good idea! Come, Amelie."

Amelie gets up from her chair and follows her man. I see what Charles was doing. What a good big brother he is. Finding an excuse to have them spend time together.

When they leave, Charles comes up to me and takes off my sunglasses.

"Hey! I need those." I say while taking them back.

"Come in the water with me," Charles demands.

He puts his hand through his brown hair. His perfect abs shining. He really does look like a model.

"Maybe later. I want to finish my chapter." I respond while opening my book.

"Fine. But you better come join me." He says while walking towards the ocean and diving all the way in.

I laugh as I watch him have fun all by himself in the water. Alright, I'll go, I tell myself. I run to the water and jump in right beside him.

We are both underwater with our eyes open, staring into each other's eyes. He takes both my hands to make the distance between our bodies even smaller. So many things go through my mind but not one is thinking about the possible consequences. Time stands still. The younger me would freak out. Older me, well I don't quite know what to think of it myself. Our lips are 10 CM close to touching. He knows it, I know it, we both know it. When we're both finally out of breath, we get out of the water. Still holding my hands, Charles looks deep into my eyes. I reckon Charles and I have had a suspicious amount of moments like these since my arrival. He lets go of one hand to fix a loose strand of my hair that was blocking my view. After tucking it back behind my ear, he starts tracing a path with his finger all the way down my arm making me shiver. When he reaches the end of my arm, his hand continues down to my waist where it stops. His grip on me is so strong; it's like he knows he has to let go, but doesn't want to.

"You're pretty," I tell Charles.

He blushes. I like giving compliments. Especially to guys because they don't get a lot. Seeing Charles's reaction made it all worth it to me.

"You're really special, you know that?" He tells me with a smile.

I'm pretty sure reality hit us at this exact moment because we immediately back up from each other. 

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