Final Author's Note

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Hello, Beautiful Readers!

This concludes Dark Tendencies... and it is now my first OFFICIAL finished work!

I hope you all enjoyed it, and loved experiencing the journey with me!!

The love I have received on it is mind-boggling...all of your kind words, requests, and support has inspired me beyond belief!!

For those that have read but haven't commented, I'd love to hear what you guys thought, so I can take your considerations and feedback into account in my future works!!

If you haven't checked it out already, my story "Natural Born Sinner: A Dean X Female Reader X Sam Fic" is being worked on daily, and that story is FAR from over!!

I loved everything about writing this book... all the spicy smut, all the fluff, all the dark twists and turns... and I can't wait to get started on more content for you guys. Be sure to follow, if you wanna, for more spicy Supernatural content and new unique stories!

Thank you all from the bottom of my heart!


Dark Tendencies: A Female Reader x Dean Winchester FicWhere stories live. Discover now