"Time manipulation gods domain? And a new one appeared Wait you couldn't possibly mean me right! I wasn't told anything about this." I said shocked.

"Yes you are correct you are now our new master and we will serve you for as long as you allow us too also I should mention our old master used to tell me that every god has their own domain that they rule over and he accepted us into his as we had no were else to go." Rukia said.

"Wait,wait,wait what do you mean by we?" I asked nervously already knowing the answer.

"Oh we currently have four other Phoenixs that reside here currently." Rukia said.

"They would have greeted you but due to not having a time manipulation god for so long our eggs began to stop growing and soon plants began to die then sometime after my friends they began to fall asleep each time longer until now where they can't wake up anymore." Rukia said.

"I beg of you as the new time manipulation god wake up my friends and save our home and your domain." Rukia said while bowing her head.

"I really wish I could help you guys but I don't know how to use my time manipulation and I need to get home and make sure my family doesn't kill me out of worry." I said as a shiver went down my spin thinking about what my mom would do to punish me for making her worry.

"So about that.. you can't leave anytime soon." Rukia said while looking away.

"Huh! Why!" I yelled panicked.

"Well due to the long absence of the time god there is not enough energy to send you back....But do not fear as I will train you and you can reverse the energy of this domain back to its golden days while waking up the Phoenix's!" Rukia said while her Phoenix eyes were sparking with happiness.

'She definitely planned this didn't she.. oh well I probably would regret not helping anyways and I can train and the plot doesn't start for awhile so i still have time hopefully..' I thought defeated.

Author note
This chapter will be especially long sense I wanna get the training arc out of the way so I can start the Naruto plot etc
Time skip 2 years
Age 12

It's been 2 years sense I have come to this place

I have been training really hard to learn the reverse time manipulation technique

At first I had no idea what to do so i asked Rukia for help whit she gladly did,She told me to try to start small focus on meditation first until you feel a certain difference.

I did as I was told but the only thing I could sense was my chakra so i tried to concentrate even more throwing away my useless thoughts I focused on my breathing then I imagined myself being surrounded by black energy field
I pictured it flowing through me then being released in the world around me.

I imagined this everyday to the point that I started to slowly feel a difference and soon after 2 years I managed to feel a surge of electricity it didn't hurt but made me feel so powerful and energized like I could defeat anything that stood in my way as I continued to focus on this energy I managed to move it around in my arms then all through out my body.

After I completed that I went to try to reverse a leaf that was broken and everyday I would do the same thing and try to visualize the leaf being reversed to its whole form.

I started off small doing leafs then sticks then rocks and soon enough I did trees then Fields of grass.

I also practiced on myself with cuts and bruises
Everyday I would train constantly as Rukia encouraged me by becoming my own personal cheerleader.

Reborn In Naruto as a Nara?!जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें