First day of School

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I made it to the academy there was a bunch of kids outside chatting with their parents.

My dad held my hand as to not lose me in the crowd as mom stuck close to us holding Shikamaru.

"Lord hokage is here quiet down!" Someone yelled.

Some kids were practically vibrating with excitement as other kids had stars in their eyes.

A younger Hizearn walked in front of the crowd and started spewing stuff about the will of fire and blah,blah,blah honestly I could care less with their brainwashing techniques.

The speech took quite awhile as soon as it ended the parents started clapping as well as singling their kids to start clapping as well.

Afterwords I parted ways with my parents and headed into where I was assigned a class due to how many civilians and clan members they wanted to make it even for each class so.

I looked down at the small little wooden card I had that had B-5 carved in.

I looked around and finally found the door I took a deep breath while hoping Itachi wasn't in my class as I knew he most definitely has alot of fangirls and I didn't want to deal with that.

It would be such a drag.

I opened the door and I couldn't help but choke on my own saliva as a little itachi with chubby cheeks and puppy dog eyes was sitting in the seat right next to the door.

'Well there goes my social life right down the drain.. oh well most of these kids are only 7/6/8 so the chances are they won't be very fun to talk to anyways.' I thought while sighing.

'I'll become a quiet emo that just ignores everyone and everything for the rest of this year.. ' i thought.

I walked to the very back of the room and sat down next to the window hoping nobody will sit next to me.

I glanced around the room and noticed a few familiar faces.

'Izumi Uchiha, Hana Inuzuka, itachi uchiha, Tenma Izumo, and Shinko Inari. Are here that I can see.
I'm not quite sure but I think Tenma Izumo, and Shinko Inari are itachi teammates when he graduated before he became a anbu.
Right now he looks about 7 witch means he is gonna graduate this year,my parents said that I am almost 7 so by the time naruto turns 12 I'll be 18 same as itachi.
I started school abit later but that was by choice as it seems the me before i got reborn wasn't sure if she wanted to be a kunochi or not.'

Before my thoughts could wonder more teacher came in.

"Alright everyone take your seats. I see many new faces this year so I would like for everyone to introduce themselves before we begin."Sensei said.

He then reached for chalk and wrote on the board.

My name is Daikoku Funeno.

"It's nice to meet everyone you guys can just call me sensei"

Afterwards Sensei got everyone to introduce themselves when it was finally my turn I decided to be a classic Nara..

"Hello there My name is Shikina Nara as for what dislikes and likes I am to lazy to tell you that." I said trying not to grin.

After introduction was done Sensei asked if there is people who have not unlocked their chakra yet and if so come up to the front of the class so he can unlock it.

A couple civilian kids went up.

'Did I already unlock my chakra? I would think so sense I am a clan heir.' I thought.

'Well no luck like the present to try it out I suppose.'

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. I have not been practicing my chakra control at all sense I came into this world, but I knew I had to do it sometime and I had enough rest sense I have been here it's time to start my training and taking the plot seriously. I knew that to become a great ninja, I will need to master my chakra and use it effectively in battle.

I focused my mind and energy on to my body, trying to sense the chakra flowing through me. At first, i felt nothing but the warmth of the sun  from the window on my skin and the itch on my arm. But gradually, as i breathed deeply and concentrated harder, i began to feel a tingling sensation in my fingers and toes.

I focused on that sensation, trying to direct it through my body and feel it more strongly. It was like trying to move a river with my mind, but i was determined to succeed. Slowly but surely, i felt  energys flowing through me ,starting from my core and radiating outward.

I opened my eyes with a smile, feeling a sense of accomplishment. I knew i still had a long way to go, but i was making progress. With practice and dedication, i would become a master of my chakra and a powerful ninja to protect my new home.

I figured it out this class is probably gonna be boring anyways so imma just pretend to sleep and continue practicing on moving my chakra through my body.

The day quickly passed the teacher just tried to get everyone used to each-other before he starts with the actual learning.

"Ok everyone class is over but before you go I should warn you tomorrow we will have matches to determine ranks so I know what I need you to focus on when learning." Sensei said as he dismissed everyone.

I yawned and got up and headed to the door.

And thus my first day was over...

Reborn In Naruto as a Nara?!حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن