What happened

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Shocked that is how Shikaku felt right now.which was a difficult thing for him to be as he has a high IQ he doesn't usually get surprised that easily but
He knew something was up the moment he was called outside as he could read his wife without her even saying anything.

He was abit taken aback by his wife's words about his daughter getting slapped but it's not like he didn't have his suspicions as he saw the way her cheek was.

As soon as he was sure his daughter was about to make a move he quickly dodged out of the way but to his surprise his daughter disappeared then reappeared be-hide him again while splashing him it was too fast he couldn't see anything.

He confirmed he wasn't seeing things as he looked at his wife who was also incredibly surprised.


'Huh why are they looking at me like that? And that weird outline of him seemed to be right he was gonna go there.' I thought with a satisfied smile.

Dad quickly snapped out of his thoughts and said

"Shikina what did you just do?" Dad asked with a serious face.

"I splashed mud on you?" I said.

"Yes but you disappeared for a second and somehow got me while i had already dodged out of the way." Dad said

'Almost as if she knew where I was...' Shikaku thought remembering how her eyes looked where he was gonna go before it even happened.

"I disappeared? But I was here the whole time papa." I said innocently while inside was freaking out.

'I made a huge mistake!! Did I accidentally use the time manipulation ability? God dam it! I need to play this off I just wanted o have a little fun by splashing the shikaku with mud so I can brag about it..' I thought while panicking.

"Hm can you give me a detailed explanation before you splashed mud on me?" Dad said not wanting to drop the subject.

While mom just watched everything but decided to go check on Shikamaru.

"I'm gonna go check on Shikamaru." Mom said walking off still trying to wrap her head around it.

"I forget I think I just did a whoosh and a weee and another whoosh." I said trying to not give him the truth.

"Can you do it again shikina?" Dad said.

"I don't remember can we go inside now it's cold out here papa." I said while pretending to shiver.

'She is keeping it a secret it seems I need to keep a eye on her more..' Shikaku thought.

"Fine let's go also don't do that in public especially around any root anbu." Dad said while walking inside.

'As if I ain't that dumb but then again I did accidentally use my time manipulation..' i thought while getting the chills thinking about Danzo.

And then my second day ended causing even more suspicion then yesterday.
A week passed and I seemed to get closer to my parents and my dad has been observing me like a hawk but I can't help but smile cause he has been spending a-lot of time with me helping me with my strawberry garden and taking me out in konoha. Which would be great and all but he is really lazy! Always saying what a drag and so troublesome and how do I have so much energy being a Nara and blah blah blah!

He is also planning on training me soon due to my mother's nagging and I'm quite excited even though I haven't tried any sort of training as I just wanted to enjoy my new life for a little while but I would still like to figure out how to control my time manipulation first incase of any accidents.

Anyways today is a exciting day as it is my first day of school!

I'm still not sure how to approach school yet as much as I'm really excited to meet new people I also am worried about changing the plot line if I end up being in itachi class but I came to a decision last night that if I'm not in his class I can make as many friends as possible that are not related to the anime but if I do end up in itachi class then I shall become a lazy Nara who is just gonna keep to themselves and try to be as invisible as possible so the plot can be the same.

I put on a red and black kimono today as it is one of my favourites then I headed downstairs to see mom making breakfast and dad sitting on one of the chairs reading a scroll.

"Good morning!" I said cheerfully.

"Morning today for breakfast is pancakes and orange juice.Can you get the orange juice out of the fridge?" Mom said while flipping a pancake.

"Ok moma." I said while opening the fridge and placing the orange juice on the table as I was not allowed to pour it incase I made a mess.

Mom placed a plate of pancakes in-front of me then put maple syrup on it.

I felt my mouth drool as I dug into my pancakes stuffing my mouth.

"Mhm sw gwowd" I said while chewing.

"Chew with your mouth closed a bug might go in if you don't." Dad said while putting down his scroll and then eats his food.

I listened as I would never usually chew like  this in my past life I guess I just felt so comfortable and carefree here.

Same as I realized how immature I was for treating the three kids like that at the park I could have just walked away or told them off but I got them grounded for who knows how long I'm a 20 year old adult in a kids body I should have handled it better I admit..

'I will apologize to them if I'm in the same grade.' I thought.

After I finished breakfast I took the bag mom got me and put it on my back and got ready to leave.

I noticed dad wasn't rushing off to leave for work but was taking his time getting ready.

"Papa don't you have work?" I asked curiously.

"I wouldn't miss your first day of school so I took a day off." Dad said while putting his shoes on.

"Ok!" I said excited walking out the door with my mom and dad plus Shikamaru who mom is carrying.

I couldn't be happier to have such a family..


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