ACT 1 - Chapter 4: Big Changes

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During the following days, the two got busy moving all of Johnathon's belongings from storage into Beck's apartment. It was then that the artist noticed just how many odd and complex machinery he owned, and it quickly became obvious they'd have to do a lot of decluttering at their place before being able to fit all of that in.

"I-I'm sorry, I own so much useless stuff I probably haven't touched in years" the spotted man muttered, already feeling responsible for all the clean-up they'd have to do. "It- it just all has a deep sentimental value and..."

Beck couldn't help but chuckle "It's cool dude, I get you... we're both hoarders" they said with a grin "But... I think it's a good thing this is happening, I've been wanting to clean up this place for so long- really, that pile of empty paint cans and destroyed brushes isn't doing anyone a favor"

Johnathon chuckled nervously "Right- right... thanks again, Beck I- I really never thought anyone would've helped me so much after..." he muttered, looking to the side only to immediately feel both of Beck's hands on his shoulders.
"Don't think about it... things are looking up now right? Live in the present, don't let the past slow you down" they said, their tone stern, but sweet at the same time.

He sighed a bit "I... I'll try my best" he said, though he wasn't so sure he could do it. What happened to him was just... too big of a change to ignore. "A-anyway- let's get to decluttering, yeah?"

It took the two a few hours to really sort through all the mess that was Beck's living room, among a plethora of unfinished projects, boxes of art and sculpting supplies...

The process however, didn't go without a few odd shenanigans. Johnathon still struggled to control his powers, which meant he'd randomly generate portals, causing whatever he was holding at the moment to be engulfed in it and finding its way out on the other side of the room, upon which either of them would have to dive to save whatever was free-falling from smashing against the ground.

Beck was all over the place, trying to catch the stuff the man would accidentally teleport, but they didn't look upset by that, in fact, they'd scream and laugh whenever something like that happened.

Johnathon did feel quite terrible still, and would profusely apologize. But he had to admit, seeing how Beck seemed to be having fun was making him feel less guilty about his lack of control.

Eventually, they managed to make that room look somewhat more organized, and with just enough space to put Johnathon's stuff there too, which filled up a bit over half of it.

"You uh... you sure you wanna give me this much space?" the spotted man asked, fidgeting with his hands.

Beck shrugged "Yeah, I don't mind, besides, I'm planning to get a whole studio for myself soon... been saving up money for exactly that purpose, so that I can be a bit more professional with my work... maybe start shooting some videos too- I've always wanted to share my art and costumes like that" they admitted "But... I also want the environment I film in to be nice, spacious and neat, this living room is too all over the place to do that"

Johnathon listened to them, noticing the little sparkle in their eyes as they talked about wanting their art to reach a wider audience; that made him smile, at least inwardly.
"I-I think that's a great idea! I'll help out any way I can! I promise by the end of this year, you'll have your study!" he said, springing up from his usually slouched position.

Beck widened their eyes and blushed slightly, seeing the man's determination "I- y-you don't need to r-really" they said, looking rather flustered by the man's sudden promise.

"But I HAVE to! You've been so- kind to me so far! I don't want to be just some kind of freeloader... I'm going to look for a job, and I'll help out with buying that studio, it's- it's the least I can do, really..." he insisted.

The green-haired artist smiled gently, and let out a little sigh "Well... I- thank you, it means a lot" they replied. "Just... don't stress yourself with it too much, I'm grateful for your help, but I don't want you to only focus on that"

Johnathon was happy that Beck had accepted his offer so easily, apparently not even listening to their further warnings. He was gonna do it, he'd make up for their kindness through and through.
But how was he going to earn the money to do so? He had to find a job- but where? Who would hire someone who looked like him? Maybe he could've tried back at that pub Beck had brought him to... but being a waiter had never been his forte, he was way too awkward and clumsy for that- maybe he should've tried going for a new career in science again? But what? Now that Alchemax had been shut down and Fisk had been defeated, nobody was interested in inter-dimensional travel...

Beck could see him beginning to spiral once more, as signaled by the franticness with which his spots were twitching, and they wrapped their arm around his shoulders "Dude, just relax for now, neither of us are in a race, you can take your time to get adjusted to your new life, find a new job- hell I could even help you get one if you're up for anything!"

"I-" the man flinched "N-no no, you don't need to, you've already helped me so much! I can- most definitely find a job on my own" he reassured them "I just... have to find the right place y'know?"

They nodded "Yes, I understand... and I'm sure there's still places where your qualifications will be plenty!"

"Exactly- I really think I'll start looking for it now" Johnathon said, feeling a sudden wave of motivation which he hadn't felt in months. Beck was right, his diplomas and degrees in engineering definitely made him qualified to hold way more jobs even outside of big corporations... and maybe this time people wouldn't take credit for his discoveries right under his nose...

Beck grinned a bit, seeing how determined their friend seemed to be "Alright then! I guess I'll fix us some lunch while you do that- what would you like?"

"Me? Oh- uh... anything's fine really..." he mumbled, sitting on the couch with his laptop on his lap. Ever since the accident, he'd completely lost his appetite and had just been eating out of habit "Maybe... noodles? Or- anything spicy really, unless you don't like spices-"

The artist chuckled "Nah, I handle spice just fine, I think I still got some dried udon noodles- I can make a lil sauce with gochujang, soy sauce and such, that's my favorite way to eat them!" they suggested with a big smile, while tying up their hair into a ponytail so it wouldn't get in the way of cooking.

If Johnathon's eyes had still been visible, they'd be sparkling. It had been way too long since he had a homemade meal, let alone something that catered so closely to his tastes! "Y-yeah! That's perfect!" he replied, hesitating for a moment to turn on his laptop... man, now he wanted to help with the cooking, even if there was a risk for more portal shenanigans- but he'd have to learn how to control those powers sooner or later, wouldn't he?
He twiddled his thumbs for a moment, trying to make up his mind. Then he remembered Beck's words... he wasn't racing anyone for once, job-hunting could wait. 
The spotted man set the laptop to the side and got up from the couch.

"A-actually- if it's not a problem... I wanna help, I may not look like it, but- I'm actually a pretty good cook!" he said with a little chuckle, walking up to Beck.

They seemed surprised, but soon smiled "That's not a problem at all! You can make the sauce while I handle the noodles and toppings yeah?"

"Oh! Yeah I'm fine with that..." he said, while washing his hands, soon picking a small bowl to mix the ingredients in, being extremely careful so as not to summon any portals accidentally.

Beck lightly nodded, waiting for the water to boil while chopping up some green onion, then a thought hit them "Say... hope you don't mind me asking, but how do you eat things?"

Johnathon tilted his head "Honestly- I'm not really sure myself! Whenever I eat something it just kinda disappears, but I can still taste it and all... it's weird"

His green-haired friend couldn't help but chuckle "It is weird! But also cool, I like that" they said with a smile, which caused the man to blush a little, though he had to admit, it felt nice to receive some compliments, especially on something he'd been feeling so negatively about just a day prior. 
Maybe things were finally starting to really look up for him.

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