ACT 1 - Chapter 3: A New Home

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Beck and Johnathon got back to the artist's place late in the night. All the other apartments in their block had turned the lights off, and the families living in there had been sleeping soundly for most likely hours already. They were the only ones still awake.

Beck unlocked the door, flicking the light switch to the side of the door and getting the living room's lights to come on, revealing a nice, moderately-sized apartment; it was well-kept, if it weren't for the numerous art projects and supplies scattered about. There were half-finished set props, foam cutouts primed and ready to be assembled into something the spotted man couldn't quite understand, a pile of empty tubes of paint and old brushes, and many other things stashed in the corners, mostly collecting dust.

"Sorry, I know it's a bit messy" Beck chuckled bashfully.

Johnathon looked around a bit more, sure, it was a bit crowded in there with all those things but... he couldn't have asked for anything better.
"No no- it's perfect" he said in a rather excited tone. If he were to replace all the artsy stuff with scrap materials and scientific gadgets that would've looked exactly like his old apartment! Seemed like both Beck and him had rather chaotic minds.

"I-" Beck seemed surprised at that statement, but soon they chuckled "Well, glad you like it! I... don't really have a guest room- hope you don't mind sleeping on the couch"

"Oh no no, it's fine, I used to sleep on the couch all the time when I still had my won place so- really it's fine" he replied, rubbing the back of his neck. Besides, it was always better than sleeping on the cold, hard cement walkways outside.

The artist glanced at him with a smile "Alright, awesome- uh... you- need to take a shower before bed?" they then asked.

"Huh? Oh- uh, no it's fine, plus... I don't wanna make a mess in your bathroom- cause... when anything gets in my holes..." he began, shoving his hand through a hole in his chest, which soon created another hole near the couch, his hand popping through it and giving a little wave.
"This happens"

Beck widened their eyes: it was the first time they witnessed Johnathon's powers and it was a little jarring to say the least.
"W-woah..." they muttered, reaching for the hand popping out of the portal and touching it curiously "Oh wow this is actually real- I'm not trippin! This is so cool!"

Johnathon chuckled nervously, though once more he was secretly glad Beck found those powers of his 'cool' and not... freaky.
"Ah, I-I mean, I still can't control them too well so... I think you can understand why it's best if I don't shower here" he said, taking his hand back through his chest. "Your bathroom would definitely get flooded"

"Yeeeah, fair-" Beck said, with a little shrug and a smile "Well then... if you need anything I'll be in my room getting ready for bed- you can hang your clothes to that chair there" they added, pointing at a chair that was already flooded with jackets and the like. Then, finally, they waved at the man "Good night, John"

"N-night..." he replied, waving back as he watched his friend disappear into their room. In truth, he would've loved to just stay awake and chat all night, he'd come to dislike being completely alone, given how his mind now tended to wander and make him think awful things. He wasn't always like that... he loved his alone-time once, but that was because he knew there were people who had his back. When that support had disappeared... he felt truly alone for the first time in his life.
He shook his head, making a little noise and quickly taking off his hat and jacket, throwing them on the chair, before plopping on the couch, trying to relax. He was already spiraling without even noticing.

"Come on... it's fine... you're fine..." Johnathon whispered to himself "You got a roof under your head for tonight... and a potential new friend" he continued, slouching and resting his head on his hands. He took a deep breath, trying to lay down and get comfortable, until another question popped in his head:

What about tomorrow? And the next day?

What would he do once that night was over and he'd have to go back roaming in the streets? Where people recoiled as soon as they saw his face and spoke behind his back. Where getting a job and finding housing on his own was damn near impossible because nobody would trust someone who looked like him with ANYTHING.
But he couldn't stay there forever and be a dead weight to Beck, they'd come to hate him too if that was the case, for sure, and that was the last thing he wanted--

He turned to the other side, gripping his own shoulders as he slowly got lost into a hurricane of thoughts and doubts, his breathing becoming shaky and panicked. The spots on his body began shifting as well, letting out sparks of dark matter.

He didn't know what to do.

He was terrified to take any step in any direction.

He couldn't see a solution to what he was facing.


"Hey dude, sorry- I forgot to get you a blanket!" Beck suddenly spoke, holding a cozy blanket in their arms, which they promptly dropped when they saw Johnathon in that state, his spots quite literally spiraling as much as his mind was.

"John!" they shouted, rushing to him "Dude what- what's happening? Are you okay?!"

"I-I don't know- I don't know what to do!!" he replied, his voice sounding like he was crying, even though no tears were coming out.

Beck was quickly growing panicked too, they tried touching him, feeling a strange static feeling every time a spot passed under their palm, it felt weird, almost scary, but they had to push through, they couldn't leave him like that! 
They didn't really know what to do in these situations, so they just did what felt the most right, and gently scooped the man up into a hug.
"H-hey... dude it's- it's okay-"

Johnathon flinched at being suddenly hugged, but didn't push away, and instead tried taking deep breaths, shakily hugging back "N-no... it's not okay..." he muttered between light sobs.

"Can I... know what's wrong?" Beck softly asked, trying to rub his back without accidentally shoving a hand down one of his spots.

The man was hesitant at first, but that hug was gradually helping him calm down "I... I don't want to be alone anymore..." he quite bluntly replied, hiding his face in the crook of Beck's neck. He didn't even care that he hadn't known them for longer than a day, he needed that closeness more than anything now.

Beck glanced at him in surprise, but let him cuddle up, feeling like that might've been a good time to ask him that thing again:
"Do you... want to stay here for more than one night? Like I told you before... I wouldn't mind at all" they said, keeping their tone calm.

"Wouldn't it... be a bother to you? I-I don't know if I'll ever be able to rebuild anything I had- not... not while looking like this-" he muttered, sounding quite distressed again, before feeling Beck pull him even closer to them, his body practically squished against theirs. He blushed.

"John... dude- it's fine, I'm sure we'll find a solution... I promise you won't ever be a bother to me- I can even help you move your stuff here and everything, and then we can start looking at viable jobs and all... things are going to be fine" they tried to further reassure him, gently rubbing his shoulders.

"Y-you'd do all that for... me?" he asked, still in complete disbelief.

"I mean... it's- it's not that big of a deal..." Beck said with a slight chuckle. And besides... what else would they do? They couldn't just kick him out and let him be homeless, that would've been a total asshole move.

"You're a life saver..." Johnathon muttered, shifting a bit, still refusing to let go of the hug, sleep taking over now that a part of his life had been secured. He hadn't slept in days... he was so tired.

"I'm just doing what I believe is right" they replied, trying to let go of the hug, but finding themselves unable to; it was then they noticed Johnathon had fallen asleep on them, looking rather peaceful as he did so.
They sighed a little, accepting their fate and closing their eyes. They had to admit... he was a rather comfortable blanket.

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