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"Come again. Good day sir"
"Krist plz serve table 6"
"I got this" I smiled
For the last few weeks life has been really amazing. I never imagined life can be this good.
Stanley and me became really close.
Even Beam is so friendly.
Every employee here welcomed me warm hearted.
I live with Stanley. She had an extra room. She is really extrovert. She introduced me to lots of people.
We had a blast yesterday night.

Every thing is really good.
Sometimes it feels so surreal.
I really love it here.
Sometimes I get this feeling that it's all a hallucination.
I am still inside that hellhole.
"Krist. Come have lunch" This time it was mala, a Batista here.
I smiled and joined them.
"Krist we are thinking about going to the new club opened few blocks away from here. Wanna join? "
" You guys go. I can't today. I have to sort out all my papers. I am joining college next week"
"Ohhho. It's just few hours. You are coming that's it" Stanley just ordered
" No but. You are just coming  "
"Ok fine"

It's already 8ish...
Where the hell is she.
I should not have agreed.
I could have done my works.
A car pulled in front of me.
"Sorry sorry I am late. Madi just was taking too much time"
I just huffed and went inside the car.

As soon as I entered the club a smell of cocaine hit me.
I know now you guys are thinking how I know about cocaine.
Actually there isn't anything that Singto didn't try. He was an addict.
After looking at the white powder I remembered that day.

Flashback :
"Plz singto..  I am sorry plz"
"plz what panraya?" he whispered
I was shaking.
My legs will give up in a minute.
A drop of sweat trailed from my neck to my belly.
I was standing naked infront of him in a polebar.
His bar.
He invited me here.
I was also dumb.
I thought...
I can't deny that i loved his attention.
But again i was wrong.
He put a bet on me.
"Come on.. Baby. I told you to let me bodyshot on you. But no.  You had to deny.. Now suffer "
He again took a sniff of that white powder.
I should not have come here.
I let my tears to roll on the floor.
I just want to go.
But he Won't let me.
He threatened me.
If i don't stand naked now he would cancel my form fillup fee.
I won't be able to give exam.
"Plz..." i whispered

"Krist... Krist.."
My trance broke.
"You literally zoned out man"
"Oh sorry"
"What were you saying? "
"Let's go the bar section "
I nodded and followed them.
But i could not keep up with them.
The crowd was huge.
I was lost.

"Isss..  What should i do now. I don't even know the way."
I roamed around here and there.
But it was dark i could not see.
I was stumbling everywhere.
I bumped into a broad back.
"So sorry man. I can't see properly in this darkness "
"Totally cool man. No worries "
He looked nice.  No not nice but handsome.
I felt a throb on my genitalia.
"Hellooo" he waved his hand in front of me to break my trance.
"Aah.. Oo..  Yeah hi.. I am krist" i smiled looking dumb. Like seriously why am i behaving like this dumb?
" jonathon "
" are you from here?  "
" no man just visiting a friend.  I am from russia"
Our conversation led to the bar and we were wasted.
Like real wasted.
After a long time i felt alive.
Like free.
It was a fearfree free.
I like this feeling.
We danced like no tomorrow.
In the dim light of the dancefloor we were bumping into each other.
I don't know when it led to grinding,  kissing,  touching and here we are in my flat ravishing each other.
He is damn long and thick.
All russian are like this?
Russian 's are blessed.
He didn’t waste a second.
He was everywhere in my body.
I think at this rate the bed will break.
I was enjoying sex for the first time.
Never was a single time i enjoyed it.
He didn’t allow.

The sunlight hit my face,  i jerked awake.  I think i can't leave my old habits. It will take time.
I saw my right side.  Jonathon was sleeping like a dead person.
An involuntary smile came to my lips remembering last night.
It was bliss.
With Singto i always got punished.
He was the only one getting pleasure.
"What a beautiful sight to see the first thing in the morning "
I saw Jonathan wide wake.
I blushed.
He kissed me " good morning "
"Good morning" i felt shy
"Breakfast outside?" he smiled
I just nodded.
"Let's freshen you up"
He took me on his hands and carried me inside the bathroom.
I just sequeled
He is really my dream man.
Singto never cleaned me.
He always threw me outside after finishing his pleasure .
Sometimes i had to limp,  sometimes some servants would help me.
But now Jonathan was cleaning me.
I smiled again.
I wish for this smile to stay forever.

Today the lecture is really boring

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Today the lecture is really boring.
But the gallery is full. Just because the professor is handsome.
"Hey krist wanna join us for coffee party?" shawn asked,  a fellow classmate.
"No my boyfriend is here to pick me"
I chick smiled
"Awwwww..  Date night"
I just blushed.

At the entrance i could see Jonathan.
All this months all he is just nothing but a sweetheart.
He took me to dates,  made dinner, we did everything like everything.
Throughout all this moments i was feeling like on clouds.
I have never been this much happy.
"Hey love " he kissed me.
" hi "
"Let's go. I made lunch "
We rode his bike.
And went to his one bedroom apartment.
Had our lunch.
And cuddled.
"Love i have to return "
I shocked and stilled
"My lords want me back"
I knew he worked for some mafia family but legal.
I was panicked
I didn’t want to separate from him.
"No plz no. Don’t leave. Plz"
I was suddenly crying.
"Love love listen. I am here"
"I will die plz no. Don't go"
"Shh... Shh.. I am here..  I am here.."
I clutched him hard and sobbing.
"Ok.. How about you come with me"
"Yeah.  Soon your semester break starts. After finishing my work i will show you around"
"Because..  I don't feel good about the idea"
"Ok Let's sleep now.. Then we will talk"

At the cafe:
Stanley was mocking me.. 
We were serving food.
I was incharge of taking coffee orders.
Suddenly a large man came and gave his order.
But that man was eyeing me suspiciously.
I didn’t know what was that...
But i could feel a constant bugging in my brain.
The day went forward and forgot about that man.
At night Jonathan came.  We had a movie date. He dropped me home.
Stanley was outside in his boyfriend's house.
I showered and wore my sleepware.
I went to the kitchen to take a bottle of juice.
It's a habit this days.
I was texting jonathon.
In my peripheral vision i could see something in my sofa.
I turned my head only to get shocked.
It was Singto.
How come he is here?
How did he find me.
I was hyperventilating but still i couldn’t move.
"Panraya come here"
I couldnot believe my ears.
"Come panraya"
"No" i whispered
He just smirked
And stood close to me.
I was shivering at this point.
I lowered my gaze.
"Panraya.....  Don't you want to see me... Didn’t you miss me.???"
I could only cry.
"Huh.. My panraya is so selfish. He would not let me see his face.. Even after i didn’t see him for so long"
He turned my face up.
I closed my eyes.
"Open them panraya. Let me see your beautiful eyes"
I slowly opened ,  didn’t want to anger him more.
He was more buffed, more tanned, his hair is longer....
A chill passed through my back after seeing his eyes.
He smiled big.
And kissed my lips.
"Let's go..  Your room is waiting for you"
Everything hit me like a truck then.
I ran from there.
I ran outside and saw hundreds of cars with bodyguards.
"I won't ever give you this chance..  Just remember this day. The last day of your freedom. I vow to make you stay beside me panraya" he said from behind me.
I felt lightheaded.
This is too much.
He grabbed my neck suddenly and threw me inside a car.
I couldn’t even process what was happening.
Inside the car i was in a daze.
No i have to leave from him.
Jonathon will keep me safe.
I have to..
But how?

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