Gastly: The Gas Pokemon: Ghost and Poison Type. Almost invisible, this gaseous Pokémon cloaks the target and puts it to sleep without notice.

Haunter: The Gas Pokemon: Ghost and Poison Type. Evolved from Gastly at LV:25. Because of its ability to slip through block walls, it is said to be from another dimension.

"So do you want to capture a Gastly or a Haunter yet, Ash?" Gina asks me, and I say, "I don't know, I mean, they are not that easy to catch. Besides, we have better things to do first."

"Right." Insey says as we arrive at Golly's grave. But just as we are praying for her, we hear an eerie sound. When we turn around, we see a giant Gengar approaching us.

"That's the Titan Pokemon!" Daisy says, "It's a Gengar!"

"No way..." I say. As Gengar uses Shadow Ball, Pikachu deflects the attack with an Iron Tail. Gengar resorts to using Psychic, causing many things in the room to float.

"Mr. Mime, use Dazzling Gleam!" Serena throws her Pokeball and sends out the Pokemon. The light causes Gengar to get scared, and then it disappears and all the things are back to normal.

"Did it run away?" Yellow asks.

"No, that must be Phantom Force. Watch out!" Gina yells, and Gengar reappears and unleashes a Shadow Ball, which Pikachu slices with his Iron Tail. Gengar retaliates with an Ice Punch, but Meowsie gets caught in the crossfire as Pikachu leaps out of the way, leaving the Cat Pokémon frozen.

"Charla! Use Flamethrower to save Meowsie." Serena tosses a Pokeball and Charla uses the move to thaw Meowsie from the ice.

Gengar fires an even larger Shadow Ball at the girls, with Pikachu using an Electroweb to block it. However, the resulting smoke allows Gengar to escape again. Then it appears once more and uses Psychic, causing all of us to be immobilized.

"Oh no! We're trapped!" Yellow gasps.

"What are we going to do now?" Serena asks.

"There is only one way." I say while landing down on the ground thanks to the Dread Plate, and I use Snarl on Gengar, causing him to retreat. Yellow is surprised and asks, "Ash... you can use Pokemon moves?"

"Sorry to say this, but I think you should know the truth." Then we decide to reveal us being Arceus to Yellow, and she can't believe what she's hearing and she's shocked. And of course, I also reveal that Gina is a Giratina to her as well.

Daisy says, "Even though you didn't capture it, at least I manage to get more information." Then she gives me the Ghoul Badge, and that makes me have 9 badges already. Once we're done, we all head out of the tower and find Misty and the others.

"Ash, guys, are you okay?" Misty asks after seeing us out of the tower.

"We're fine. We just battled a giant Gengar." Serena says. "It ran away before we could catch it. So I guess we're not capturing any Pokemon in the tower..."

Then we bid farewell to both Gina and Daisy since they are heading back to Pallet Town, and after they leave, we also spot the Team Rocket Trio again.

"We came all the way to Lavender Town on the boss' orders, but..." Jessie says. "Where in the world is this old man Fuji supposed to be?"

"The only place left is that spooky old Pokemon Tower, right?" James asks.

"But we couldn't get to the top because of that strange ghost getting in the way." Meowth says.

Just then, a Cubone appears in front of them and James says, "Well, we couldn't find that old man, but at least we found this Cubone. Let's get it back to our hideout. At least we'll have something to show for our trouble."

"Right! Let's head to the Rocket Game Corner in Celadon City." Jessie says.

The Cubone is confused as she gives a yelp, Meowth says, "You said you are finding your mommy? Then your mommy is in Celadon City. Come with us, we'll take you there."

Then they all run off with Cubone following them. I say, "They tricked the poor Cubone...we need to save her."

"You're right. Let's go." Serena says as we leave, but unknown to us, a creepy grin appears from my shadow.

Here is a new chapter, and in this chapter, Ash's sister Gina makes her appearance in this story. I hope you like this chapter and the next chapter will be Ash capturing Gengar and other things in Route 7 and Route 8.

Ash + Serena's Pokemon:

Ivysaur, Charmeleon x2, Wartortle, Butterfree x2 (One Shiny), Beedrill, Pidgeotto, Raticate, Fearow, Arbok, Pikachu, Sandslash, Nidoqueen, Nidoking, Clefable, Wigglytuff, Golbat, Vileplume, Paras, Diglett, Meowth, Alakazam, Victreebel, Geodude, Farfetch'd, Onix (Crystal), Drowzee, Voltorb, Mr. Mime, Gyarados (S)

Insey's Pokemon:

Ivysaur, Butterfree, Beedrill, Pidgeotto, Fearow, Golbat, Vileplume, Paras, Victreebel

Misty's Pokemon:

Horsea, Goldeen, Staryu, Starmie

Yellow's Pokemon:

Caterpie (Egg), Raticate, Pikachu, Geodude

Brock's Pokemon:

Zubat, Geodude, Onix

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