Brady still didn't give up as he approached Michael with a bleeding nose as he goes to punch him but it didn't have an effect so he goes to punch him again only this time Michael catches his fist in a tight grip before bones are heard cracking as Michael was breaking his hand while grabbing him by the neck with the other before soon he was holding Brady up by the neck with both hands. Brady groans loudly when Michael slowly with force pushed his thumb into Brady's cheek while he was breaking bradys neck killing him.

Elena sitting there in horror as she turns to Nevaeh who was holding Rachel who was crying "I'm sorry y'all had to deal with this for so long"she says as Nevaeh lifts up her head as she gives her a nod while comforting Rachel even tho Brady was an ass she still loves him.

Klaus was glaring at the screen at how this man dare hurt his daughter as he and his family share a look they were gonna protect them and change what happens nobody deserves to go through that constantly.

Rachel and Jamie were shown running up the stairs as Rachel stops and looks down "leave us alone! God leave us alone!"she cry's before they are running again into the attic Jamie runs forward when Rachel comes to a halt thinking before getting an idea "Jamie!" Before both girl's were throwing things down the stairs to block his way into the attic.

They run further into the attic panting with fright before Rachel sees a window "go! go!"she says urgently as both girls run to the window as Michael trashed things out his way as he enters the attic grabbing an old kitchen knife.

"Jamie, get down. Get down!"Rachel tells her little sister before she breaks the window with a suit case as the glass shattered. Once she breaks all the glass shards she helps Jamie through first before following her. They were soon shown on the roofing of the house as she gets Jamie on her back as she looks down panting.

Rachel carefully climbs as Jamie holds onto her tightly as she climbs up to the top. Rachel groans reaching before she was able to grab at the top as she pulled her self up before screaming when one of the shingles slips from underneath her as she holds on tight but loses her grip as they slide back down.

Before tican fully fall off the roof Rachel grabs onto a sturdy pole as she grabs Jamie before she falls. Jamie climbs back onto Rachel's back as they climb back up. As they get closer Rachel grabs onto the wire as she continues to pull herself up.

They make it as Jamie turns her head and screams as Michael was shown climbing up on top of the roof with a knife.

Rachel's pulls Jamie into her arms seeing Michael as she comes up with a plan as she carefully slides over to the edge beside her as Michael fully stands up on the roof.

"I want you to get down to the chimney Jamie"Rachel explains but Jamie panics with fear"I can't!"she screams.

"Well try, damn it!"Rachel grunts before Jamie turns into her stomach before she screams seeing Michael "Rachel!"she screams.

Rachel whirls around seeing Michael as she lets go of Jamie who slides down to the chimney. Rachel screams ducking away as Michael goes to slash her as she rolls down to the chimney with Jamie.

Michael stands up to his full height as Rachel scrambled up grabbing the wire as she starts to wrap it around Jamie's waist."I'm gonna lower you down Jamie okay?"she explained as she ties of the wire once it was secure around Jamie's waist "I've got you. Come on get down now"she says before helping Jamie lay on her stomach.

"Rachel!?!"Jami shouts scared.

"I've got you Jamie "Rachel says as she helps Jamie who whimpers in fear. Rachel holds onto the wire as she slowly lowers Jamie who holds onto the wire tightly with fear as she was far up above the ground.

"I've got you. I've got you"Rachel assured her as she lowers Jamie but turns around screaming seeing Michael closer as he heads towards them. She had to let go of the wire as she rolls away when he goes to slash her. Jamie screams when she falls steeply before the wire gets caught.

Rachel screams as she rolls away before grabbing a hold of the edge of the roof so she doesn't fall. She looks up seeing Michael she thinks of her aunt before taking a deep breath"aunt Nevaeh!"she screams.

Not even a second later there was loud thud as Michael turns to see Nevaeh crunching down on the roof with her hybrid face showing as she roars before tackling him to the roof with a slam.

Rachel not being able to hold on from the gravity pulling down on her as she lets go with a scream as she falls to the ground as her body hits the ground with a thud.

Michael looks at the very pissed off Nevaeh above him as she stand up with speed before lifting up her foot as she brings it down hard as he falls through the roof back into the house.

Nevaeh then rushes over to the edge seeing Jamie safely making her way down before vamp speeding down below.

She rushed over to Jamie "are you alright"she says checking her over making she she's not hurt she soon rushes over to Rachel getting on her knees. She checks for a pulse but it's very weak. She brings her wrist up to her mouth as she bits into her wrist. Before she gently puts it against Rachel's mouth as he blood starts to heal her she can hear her heart beat getting stronger.

"Aunt Nevaeh what are you doing?"Jamie asked confused.

"I'm healing her with my blood don't worry I'll explain everything once we are safe"she reassured her neice as Rachel starts to cough gaining conscience once again Nevaeh pulls her wrist away from Rachel's mouth as she helps her sit up as she pulls them into a hug hugging them tightly knowing this is far from over.

Rachel turns to her aunt with wide eyes "you used your blood to save me"she asked shocked.

Nevaeh gives her a soft smile "of course I'll always protect and save my family even if met giving up my own"she says honestly as everyone looks at her wide eyed that she would willing give her life for family.

Senceing someone was behind them she turns seeing Michael as she glares hatefully at him before putting Rachel on her back as she grabs Jamie's hand before she vamp speeds away from him.

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