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"Good night ma." The duo of Shade and Keziah chorus as they bid a female teacher bye.
"Good night girls. Do have a nice sleep." She wishes too collecting her bags from them just as the entrance of the school. They hand over her property and turn to leave.
  "So how's your health?" A concerned Keziah asks breaking the ice cold silence.
"I'm better. Thanks."
"Did something happen at home?"
"Something like?"
"I don't know. That's why I'm asking. But I'm certain you don't look good." She states pulling off a shrug.
"I'm okay o,madam inspector."
  "If you say so. Are you keeping an eye on your health conditions sha?"
"Ah ah! Who else will if I don't?"
  "I know you o. That's when you will say you don't need to use drugs again because you are free of symptoms and all. I know those tricks you use na."
   "Keziah! I'm fine o. I really am okay. Besides, I received three injections for ulcer last week and my inhalers are in good condition too." Shade says putting on a smile as they walk along the main road.
   "All thanks be to God. Don't mind my pesters and whines. I'm just looking out for you." Keziah explains smiling too.
"I know alright. Besides, I'm already used to being disturbed and pestered by this extra short girl. So it's no bother."
  "Who are you referring to as extra short girl? It's not your fault now. It's because my prayers are not enough. I will just ask God to increase my height. See her head like something God created."
  Shade erupts in laughter shaking her head sideways.
  "Omo! Thanks for being my friend Keziah. A good one at that. You make happiness surge through me anytime you're here." She sincerely appreciates her friend stopping for a while to face her squarely making the latter stop too.
   "It's the Jesus in me dear. That is exactly why I want you to be serious about him too. He has more to offer than you think. Just let him know you need him. He will always be at your disposal. He cares that much."
  "Hmm! I have heard you Keziah. I will keep praying and you should assist me with prayers too."
  "Of course. What other occupation or engagement do I have? None my dear." She states as they now resume walking.
  "How was the fellowship on Friday though? I forgot to ask you yesterday."
  "It was awesome. Something definitely changed. I mean, it didn't feel like the ones I used to attend before I stopped. Even the atmosphere spoke volumes. I felt really loved in that space friend." Shade gushes truthfully her face radiant and expression revealing ecstasy.
    "Wow! That's what you're missing o. But didn't your step mother complain?"
"We solved it. And yes, Dad came home and asked after you."
  "See you o. And you didn't tell me since. God will forgive you. What and what did he bring back for me?"
  "Just a few things. You might not even need them." She answers jocularly.
"Hey tall girl don't hustle for trouble o. Better pack my stuff to school tomorrow or else, I will come over and take them myself...."
  "No! Don't come over!"
  "Shade? Are you okay? Why the sharp no? Is anything going on at home? Is it something you can share or will you talk to Mom? I can ask her to stop by tomorrow."
  "No! I'm fine! Let's just go home. Can we not talk about this again? You know what, let's just go our way in silence. I think I need my space." She says in rush and hurriedly crosses the road without even watching out for vehicles.
  "Shade! Shade! Wait for me...." Her friend trails off as she flags down a taxi and jumps in. The taxi driver zooms off leaving Keziah helplessly by the road side mouth agape.
  "What just happened? Something is definitely going on in that house. Why is she not talking though? We've been friends for a while right?" She soliloquies concernedly.

Look who is back. I'm sorry for disappointing. Welcome to July family and yes, I want to address the issue of feedback. It's really making me sad and it's like the main reason I don't feel too encouraged to come here and drop something. It's not enough to stop me from moving though; it's one of those things.
  What do you think happened to Shade? What's going on?
  Friends like Keziah, please never quit. It looks like you're not doing anything but I can tell you you're doing more than you think. Shades out there, please keep holding up. I love you ❤️❤️
  Thanks once again, please vote 🌟, comment and share. Save Shade is nothing without those.

   Yours in Ink; Bethel ™

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