Part 4

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We got to this sandwich shop and it was kinda busy, I looked at the menu and everything was fancy so I just decided to get a salad, plus I didn't need to be eating that much.

"You sure, nothing else?" Jett said once he asked what I was getting, "yeah I'm sure." I said and he squeezed my hand while we walked up to order. A few people recognized Jett and asked for a picture while we waited, I smiled and became the photographer. "Aren't you just a star?" I joked and he laughed.
"Yeah no, but you are." He said and I blushed. "By the way, you looked beautiful yesterday." Jett told me and I blushed again. "You're so funny." He mumbled and then grabbed our food as we walked outside.

Jett ate his whole meal while I ate like 2 bites, after that we walked around the town to check out the little stores. I bought matching rings for Molly and I and then saw this pretty gold necklace but it was expensive, so I put it back and kept looking around the boutique.
"Turn around." Jett said once I grabbed my bag and we went outside, I thought it was weird but I faced the street and I saw him put his hands in front of me and place something on my neck.

"Jett!" I whispered-yelled, "Whatsup?" "This was a lot of money, you didn't need to buy it for me." I said and he smiled. "Now you can remember our first date." Jett reached for my hand and we walked down the streets until it was about 3 in the afternoon and it started to get really hot.

"Thank you for my necklace Jettson." I said and looked down at it once we found a bench under a tree, "your welcome." He said. "Do you need to be back soon?" Jett asked me. "Well I don't even know what hotel we're staying at, let me call Chase real quick." I said and he nodded while rubbing his thumb around my finger.

I hung up and told Jett where we were staying, "ha that's where Hunter and I are staying too." He said and I laughed. "Also I don't have a certain time to be back." I said and Jett nodded while we stood up then walked around for a little bit longer, "ok it's too hot." Jett said and we stood inside a random store that had air conditioning. I looked out the window and smiled, "Cmon." "Nooo it's cool in here." Jett complained.

"Just come on." I said and tugged him outside, we crossed the street and Jett's eyes lit up when he saw the donut store. "Donuts!" He almost ran into the door and I almost peed. "Ok get in there." I said and he looked at all the different donuts in the glass. "I'm getting the red sprinkle, what about you?" Jett asked.

"Umm." I looked at all the delicious looking donuts but I knew I shouldn't eat one, "I think I'm good. I'm full from lunch but I'll buy you the red one." "Averie come on you can't pass up a donut." Jett said and I laughed. "I'm stuffed, otherwise I would." I lied, I wouldn't have ate a donut, I haven't had sugar in months yet I'm still not losing any weight.

Jett and I argued on who was gonna pay and luckily the girl took my cash before his, "thank you Averie." He said and I smiled while nodding. "You sure you don't want a bite?" "No I'm good Jett." I said.

"You always used to eat donuts, now you don't?" Jett knew something was up, "yeah I think I ate too many." He just looked at me and called an Uber back to our hotel. On the drive there, I was kinda quiet, I needed an excuse for Chase. I was meeting an old friend for ice cream, no not sugar-chicken! Well lunch, I was meeting my old friend for lunch.

"See ya tomorrow for the big day." I said goodbye to Jett and he gave me a hug, "See ya Ave." He said and we parted ways after the elevator. I walked down the hall and found the number Chase had texted me, I knocked and it took awhile but my brother finally opened the door.

"Hey where were you exactly?" Chase asked once I flopped on the bed, I sat up and looked at him.
"Eating lunch with my friend." I said and he cocked his head, "who?" "None of you business, plus you probably wouldn't remember 'em." I replied and he glared but nodded. "Whatever."

Chase made dinner but I just said I was full from lunch and he just shrugged while I went back to watching tv. There was a knock on the door and Chase opened it to reveal Molly, "where were you?" I asked once she sat next to me on the bed. "I went shopping." She answered and showed me the pile of bags she dumped, "damn." I mumbled and she laughed. "Oh I got this for you Mols." I yelled and went to go get her present. "Aww you got me something?" She asked and I nodded, she opened it and smiled.

"Aww Aveeeee! I love it!" Molly told me and gave me a hug, I gave her a gross look because she knows how much I hate hugs. "They match!" I said and held up my right ring finger, she smiled and thanked me again while Chase yelled at us to tone it down.

"You want any food?" Molly asked once she sat down to eat, "no I'm okay."

The rest of the night, we watched tv shows and then I decided to shower. My stomach growled so loudly when I got out of the shower and I thought one of them was going to hear it, luckily the tv was loud enough so they didn't.

"Night Averie." Molly said and she laid down next to me, "goodnight Chase." She said and turned his way, they were mumbling things back and forth so I quickly fell asleep because I didn't want to know what they were talking about.

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