They head into a busy market place and Austin senses her nervousness so he leans forward, placing his hands on the handlebars as she lets go and curls into him, her head under his chin. They park outside a large restaurant that has hundreds of mopeds parked out front then head inside to find the rest of the family sitting around tables all pushed haphazardly together. Lux sits down next to her cousin Danny who looks at her and then pours her a glass of water. "By the time we get out of here everyone will be fucking married - this is going to be the most fucked up family tree in the history of family trees," Danny says flicking her head to the end of the table.

Lux looks over and sees her other cousin, Matty making out with one of Austin's cousins. She looks at Danny with big eyes who flicks her head to the other end of the table. When Lux looks she sees Chance down Kadance's throat. "Fuck," Lux says. "Yeah, fuck...I have a thing for that black-haired one," Danny says. "Stay away, you don't know what diseases they carry," Lux warns. "Too late I am afraid," Danny says knocking back her water like a shot of vodka. "You were always the family disappointment, Danny," Lux says giving Austin a dirty look when he squeezes in between her and his uncle Patric. "No, that title sits with the twins still," Danny says flicking her head across the table.

Lux's eyes follow Danny's and she grimaces when they settle on her two thirty-year-old cousins who have big thick gold chains around their necks and trucker hats on backwards with big thick puffer jackets wrapped around them as they rhyme in rapper slang and throw smoldering man gazes at women who make the mistake of looking at them.

"One of them got engaged last month."

"Shut up."

"It's true."

"What the fuck is wrong with people?" Lux groans and takes a sip of her water. "Hey, you set on eating here?  Everything has peanuts," Austin whispers showing her the menu.

"It's fine, just ask them to leave the peanuts out."

"I don't want to take that risk. Let's just find another place to eat."

"Austin. I have survived this long. It's fine."


"You are not responsible for me. Find someone else to fuss over."

"I am not fussing over you. You don't know what it's like watching you like that."

Lux glares at him. How dare he. Of course! He acted like he cared about her allergy, but all he cared about was himself and how he felt when she was gasping for her life. She should have known.

"Don't make my allergy about you," she hisses and snatches the menu. "You are so fuckinghard-headed. You do my fucking head in," Austin hisses. "Well let's hope for a rogue peanut then," Lux says defiantly. She is being a bitch and she fucking knows it. "Fine, I don't care anyway," Austin says turning his back on her and starts talking to his uncle. "You will die alone, Lux," Danny says. "One can only hope," Lux mumbles, looking over the menu - peanuts fucking everywhere. "Well, can I have a crack at that man when you are dead?" Danny asks sneaking a peak at Austin. Lux has a jolt of fear run through her body. Oh. That's new. Fear?  Where the fuck is the 'I don't care' or the 'have him' or even the fucking jealousy? She has never had fear before and she does not like that. When the fuck did that start?  "Umm...sure...he likes slutty women," she says. Danny laughs and rolls her eyes then starts talking to one of Austin's aunts.

"Lux..." Austin says turning back to her. "Fine," she says standing up and walking out of the restaurant with Austin following her. He takes her to a few restaurants and some food stalls, she stays quiet - trying to process this new found feeling. Fear? What the fuck? Nothing good can come from a feeling like this.

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