2- Knock Knock, Try not to punch the Detective

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Tw: Assault, language, talks of suicide, death, extreme anger, talks of kidnapping

"That's my brother! Let me through god damnit!" I yelled at the officer. He was standing in front of me, behind him my brother laid on the ground.  He was surrounded by blood, ivy, and medical professionals.  He laid still on the ground, no breath escaping his lungs.  Dead.

I was currently standing in Caldon Canyon, tall rocky ledges overhead.  I stood close to the road by my parents car, trying to look around the officer.  I then looked up at the Saint Thomason Bridge towering overhead.  Thick ivy creeping down its sides, dangling above us.  Then turned my head to look at my family.

Behind me, stood my mother, father, and sister. My mother was sobbing as my father clutched her against his chest, her body shaking as she cried making my father hug her tighter. Her sobs so filled with agony they shook me to my core.  I watched them for a moment, my eyes then moving to Emily.

My sister stood closer to me, her eyes red and puffy as well. Stained by tears.  She had her dark brown hair tied back in a short ponytail.  Draped around her wide figure was a blanket, underneath were pajamas.  In her hands was a ball.  She moved it around her hands as she took in the scene in front of her.

My eyes were clouded with tears and anger. I couldn't see properly because of how foggy my vision was.  It also didn't help that I didn't have my glasses. We were all quick out of bed, still in our sleeping clothes, our hair a mess.

  When my parents got the call that my brother Aaron was found dead at the bottom of a canyon, his body broken and bruised, we drove as fast as we could, speeding at some parts.   And here we stood now, being refused access to see my brother because of pesky cops. 

Did they really just expect me to stand by? Watch as they drag away his body and take it to the morgue? No. I want to see him before he gets cleaned up. I want to see what happened.

"I'm sorry." The bald-headed officer in front of me said unapologetically. "Its a closed scene. No one but professionals allowed in. Sorry kid."

I stopped.  "Kid." I repeated.  My thoughts hazing over, anger replacing them.

That's when my body started to shake with anger, vision going red. I no longer saw a police officer, I saw the devil himself keeping me from what I truly wanted. And I wanted to strangle that devil. I ground my teeth together, flinching slightly as I heard the sound, but I was too far lost into anger to care.  I planted my feet firmly into the ground, curled my fists into balls, and then I lunged.

I don't remember much of that day. It was a lot of hazy memories, angry thoughts. There are bits and pieces floating around though. Aaron's body being loaded into an ambulance, me getting handcuffed by another officer for assaulting bald guy, and Emily's screams of protest as I was shoved into a cop car.

"Connor!" I remember her yelling right as the door slammed.  I had looked out the backseat window to see my dad holding her shoulders, scolding her in some way.

I sat there, rubbing my fists, remembering the feeling of exhilaration that came when I punched baldie in his fat nose.  The satisfying crunch that came with that feeling.  I then rubbed my wrists, sore from the tight handcuffs.  The last thing I remember from that day was driving away, watching the image of my family fade smaller.

I remember the next couple of months vividly though. The detectives coming to us and sharing the news that they suspected foul play, and the look on my mothers face when she heard that. Of course, it was better when they told us it was suicide. Aaron never could've done that. We knew him better than anybody, especially me.

The Mysterious Death of Aaron MilesWhere stories live. Discover now