Deep breath, a little less shaky. Progress. "The blue one. With Cousins Beach on the pocket...and the beach on the back."

"Oh!" He exclaimed. "I love that one isn't it so soft?"

"You're softer though. I miss you so much."

He let out a soft breath, "I miss you too. A lot. Do you want me to see if I have money to book a flight there soon?"

"I don't want to be in this stupid town being stupid Mom Junior anymore," I cried.

"Then book a ticket here. I know you aren't ready to fully move until Jeremiah is moved into college and I know that's a while down the line but come for a few days or a few weeks," he explained calmly.

Jeremiah needs me. He lost Mom he can't lose me too. He told me how much my being here helped him. I've held him through countless panic attacks. If I'm not here who's going to do that? No one. I have no choice.

"No, Jeremiah. I can't just leave for weeks," I told him.

He took a slow deep breath almost to calm himself down, "Emilia, he's a big boy. He can handle you being gone for a few days. It's not like you two won't text all the time and call to catch up on what you didn't text. It will be like us just switched for a little bit. You aren't losing contact baby."

It was my turn to take a deep breath to avoid yelling, "Please don't use the he's a big boy card. It's too similar to Dad. He's allowed to need help and support no matter how old he is."

"I'm sorry, baby. You're right. Do you have help and support right now?" He asked.

No? But I don't count. It's fine. I'm fine it's all fine. Why the hell am I crying? Why is the world spinning again? Shit. Why won't this stop?

"Hey hey hey," he almost yelled to pull me out of my thought. Take a sleepy med and talk to me till you fall asleep."

"It's not bedtime," I told him.

"That's okay. It's okay. Then just lay down and talk to me, pretty."

I laid my head down on my pillow, "I feel like I can't breathe. There is just so much going on, I can't do is... and I just- can we talk. About anything else?"

"You can do this, Melia. You are so strong."

I took a breath and shook my head, "No Cameron. Being strong doesn't count when you don't have any other choice."

He was silent. I don't know if it was because I pissed him off or if it was because he knew I was right.

"Just tell me what you are doing?" I added.

He took a deep breath, "I'm walking home now. I was walking on the beach but it looks like it is going to storm."

"Do you need to go?"

"I'm going to stay on the phone with you, baby girl. What did you do today?"

Memories of the conversation with Dad flooded my mind, "Um...I got in a fight with my dad. He said something about me not getting the summer house but I hope it's all just talk. I don't even need it to be our house I just can't lose it. The boys can't lose it."

I could physically feel him scramble for something to say, "We will figure it out. I promise."

"Yeah, yeah. How was work?"

He laughed at me changing the subject, "It was okay. It was really crowded because schools are on a break around here."

Our conversation continued talking about nothing in particular, avoiding overwhelming topics, and sprinkling in 'I love yous' and 'I miss yous' whenever we could.

AN:// If you found this series when I was writing Cruel Summer, you know I am actually pretty fast with updates. Right now I'm taking forever because I have no idea what is happening in the show. I used things from the 1st book and the show in Cruel Summer. I had always planned on using the 2nd book and a few things from season two in this one but seeing now that there are at least two new characters and Cam Cameron is in the second season (when he's mentioned in the book once only because Belly recalls him being her first kiss) I am aware that a lot of my readers only come from the show and I want them/you to have the same connection to Emilia and Cam's story as the book readers do! With that being said, please comment anything you want to see from the book added in, and once the show comes out, anything from it that you would like to see in Em and Cam's story. As always I appreciate your patience.

In the meantime, I have two Outer Banks fanfics up on my page that are just getting started as well as a Station 19 fanfic that I would love for you to check out.

Thank you all for your endless support, patience, votes, and of course (my favorite part) your comments.

-Emmy Lu

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