Chapter Twelve

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The weekend was weird Harley, Milo, and Gabe all acted like we were a done deal while Callix pretended like nothing had changed. I don't blame him either. I don't think either of us is the warm and cuddly type. Milo and Gabe took turns sneaking into my room in the middle of the night chancing a stabbing. Harley didn't invite himself there probably hoping I would offer an invitation since he wasn't as pushy as the other two.

It's Monday morning and I'm on my way out to avoid Asmodeus. Saint stops me on my way past the bar, "Hey Sin, can you grab a couple cases of mead? We didn't have enough up here last week and I'm a bit busy right now."

I nod my head, "Sure. Can you send one of the security guys down to help carry? Those crates are fucking heavy."

"Sure thing." He says as he goes back to mixing the drink he's working on.

I head downstairs turning on the dangling bare lightbulbs as I go. Basements are unusual in Louisiana because of the flooding but with a few adjustments, we were able to use the two store rooms that were used during prohibition. With a little help from a witch, they are now virtually indestructible and waterproof. One is used as storage for old costumes for the dancers and other seasonal things we use often. It doubles as our panic room/bunker. The one I'm heading for holds our over-stock alcohol. It's also the room we would use if we ever need to hold someone for any reason. I think it's stupid to store our stock in the cell but Saint claims it would cost less to replace the alcohol rather than the frilly costumes. My thought process is that it would be more fun for a prisoner to get wasted than dress up like a slutty Santa. Maybe Cupid would be more of their style. I'm not here to shame anyone's taste in fine strip wear.

As I pulled a few crates down and stack them on top of each other I hear footsteps behind me. "I think five should be fine. I'll take that stack of two if you can carry a stack of three." I call over my shoulder as I turn to put the third crate on the other stack.

Looking up I find Callix watching me. The silence sounded defining and the awkwardness rose around us like the humidity of a hot summer's day. It was as noticeable and jarring as walking out into the hot dense air of a southern summer just after a rain storm. I don't even try to break it as I pick up my crates and start toward the door.

I can't be sure if it's karma for some of the shitty thing's I've done in my life or just stupidity for not paying close attention to where I'm going when my foot catches on a divot in the packed earth floor. I fall forward my hands full from the crates I let go of trying to catch myself on the floor but I just make it worse. The top crate tips over smashing into the door causing it to swing and slam shut as I fall into the second crate turning my head trying to avoid hitting it. The pain that lances through my temple is all-consuming as my vision blacks out for a moment.

Ringing in my ears is the first thing I'm aware of before I realize that someone is shaking my shoulders and calling my name. My head lolls to the side as I manage to peel my eyes open to look up at Callix. "Sin are you okay?" He asks still shaking me.

The dizziness that I hadn't noticed before rises up causing nausea to roll through my stomach. "Stop shaking me or I'm going to be sick." I weakly slap at his chest trying to get him to let me go.

"You're bleeding." He tells me before setting his jaw firmly. The tendons bunching and realizing and I cringe but I'm too disoriented to remind him that getting dental work done is too expensive now.

His fingers raise to just past my temple in my hairline. My face bunches up in pain as he pressed down on my tender scalp. When he pulls his hand back I can see that his fingers are tinged red from the cut I probably got from slamming my head on the crate. My stomach rolls again with nausea and I realize I've definitely got a concussion.

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