Chapter Six

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I was relieved when we finally pulled into the parking lot of Sinner's and Saint's. We stayed at the bunker the night before. It was an actual bunker. Owned by the demon of paranoia Thesulac, it wasn't the most comfortable place to stay but the abundant bunks ensured we'd all get our own bed. Not that I actually slept. I was kind of regretting not cuddling up with puppy Gabe. I was too scared I'd have nightmares after being triggered and I didn't have any the night Gabe slept with me. I usually always had them but that one night had been almost addicting.

I spot the four motorcycles parked out front and deflate, "You know we could go somewhere else. I hear Antarctica is nice this time of year."

Harley turns to look at me from the passenger seat. I'm nestled in the back between Gabe and Milo. "Antarctica isn't nice any time of year." Harley challenges.

"It'll be better than what I'm about to walk into," I mutter.

Milo narrows his eyes, "I'll protect you."

I blow out a short burst of air from my nose, "I'm not worried about walking into danger. I'd rather pretend like nothing happened. Avoidance is my superpower."

"Come on, Cookie. We'll be with you the whole time." Gabe says, grabbing my hand and leading me out of the jeep.

"Cookie?" I squeak out.

Gabe smiles, meeting my eyes for a moment, "You smell like cookies." He says like it makes all the sense in the world.

"Let's just get this over with," I grumble, following behind Gabe, whose still holding my hand. "No growling at the horsemen, though," I order.

Gabe shrugs, "If they touch you, they get growled at."

Good god, this is going to be a long day. I relent, letting Gabe drag me into the bar. I could hear the shouting and arguing from the entryway. "Death said she was fine when he left, so calm the hell down!" Saint shouts.

"Exactly! He should have brought her with him! I swear to all things holy and unholy that I will set the entire world on fire if anything else happens to her!" A loud rumbling voice exclaims.

"Why me?" I mutter as we walk into pure chaos. Griff and Saint are standing off against the horsemen as the three others hold War back from rampaging. "Calm the fuck down, War. You're not burning down the world, and stop acting like you're going to hurt Saint. You know I'd kick your ass if you touch him." I snap at him.

War stops resisting Death, Famine, and Pestilence instantly. His eyes snap to me, eyeing every inch of my body for injury. His eyes stop on where my hand is clasped in Gabe's, but I don't make a move to let go. Saint breathes a deep sigh showing me how worried he actually was. He runs over and wraps me in his arms. Gabe doesn't even growl at him, which I appreciate. "D told us what happened. Or what he knew anyway. Are you okay?" He asks me, brows furrowing.

"I'm fine," I answer stiffly.

Saint lets me go, only to hold my shoulders at arm's length as he checks me over. "If you ever want to talk about it, I'm here."

I scoff because we both know I will never talk about it. He only knew what happened before because I let Griff tell him. Gabe's growl alerts me to the horsemen approaching. "Sin," War says with a softness that shouldn't be possible from such a big man.

His broad face and shoulders sag a bit when he lets his relief at seeing me okay show. He's an intimidating man standing over six and a half feet tall with dangerous-looking features. "You okay, French fry?" Famine asks, stepping up next to War.

Famine isn't as large as War, but still tall at about six feet. He's thin and waifish but still somehow sturdy. He ate more than his body weight in food every day but never seemed to gain any weight.

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