Pacific Tensions

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It was pure of luck that the elevator was transfer with Osea,if it wasn't,not only the Arsenal Birds and the elevator,but the huge knowledge and experience of Harling won't be available for the Osean.

"I must admit that you are dealing with this so well,Ander"-Harling said,pouring tea into his cup-"Maybe in this situation,I would be too soft and break the stability of this nation"

"But to be said,I was very lucky,the first country we met is the US,which was friendly and honest than what we expected"

"Maybe,I see a part of the Federation in the United States,not much,but still quite to be considered.Talking with others is hard,talking with yourself on the other hand,far easier.By the way,you've invited both China and Australia into this one meeting,right?"


"Have you ever considered that they might be enemy-"

"May I come in"

A loud voice came from the door,Dr.Holden,and in this case,probably along with one of the two diplomat:


"Thank you"-a different voice answered,with Australian tone

The door opened and Hamilton walks in.He shakes is hand with both Osean president,before finding him a comfortable chair to sit down on.

"I am Jonathan Hamilton,from Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade.Nice to meet you"

"I'm Robert Ander,President of Osean Federation.Sorry for this inconvenience,but we haven't had any official foreign agency left,all formed embassies was used by United States and other nation from nat-to,right?We had decided that ISEV will held all international meeting until new embassy could be built"

"It's NATO,nay-to,sir,but many of us still say it wrong"

"I got it"

"And this man is..."

"I'm Harling,the formed president of Osea,as a predecessor,I must teach him as much as possible and help the current president on situation like this,it's nice to meet you too,but Ander,you said that you are going to talk with Chinese,right?Why it turn out to be Australian"

Ander look at his wrist watch:"They plane arrived late,so perhap we need to wait for half an hour,my secretary has just inform me"

"The Chinese....huh..."

"What the matter?"

The Australian ambassador sit down:

"This is just my opinion,but the Chinese..."-he suddenly stop and change the topic -"Did they said anything yet?"

"Well,our Arsenal Bird Liberty,you may heard about it from American,had accidently destroyed one of their ship bypassing our water, although they fired first,but we understand that it's just a warning shot,but the Arsenal Birds are controlled by AI,so the aircraft mistaken it to an enemy and attacked,the rest is....well...,at least they acknowledge the situation and not get too angry,now thinking that I wonder how can they deal with this so lightly,but we still need to apologize,beside they need to sign diplomatic treaty with Osea soon"

"So you want to apologize to China?That is understandable.But"-Hamilton continue-"Do not believe everything they said,recently,they have expanded their water territory illegally, sometime even threatening several country,include our as well,you said that the destroyer was sunk in your sea territory?Well,China have no allies,islands,base,nor invitation,their ship went there for patrol missions,but that is just the cover."

"You want to tell me that the Chinese are trying to do something,like building a floating base?"-Harling ask before Ander have chance to said

"Sort of,they want to build artificial islands and declare territorial right on those land,they want to cut off United States from their allies in the Pacific Ocean,I fear that they want to pull your country into their side"

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