The purple gem sat up straight, throwing her arms up wildly. "But how else is he supposed to defeat the foot?" She struggled to stifle her laughter.

Pearl watched as Y/n shifted the bowl into one hand, using her other hand to fend off her cousin. "There is no foot."

"Steven, promise me you won't slam your face into this," Y/n implored, tilting her head down at the younger boy, her brows almost forming a straight line. But the mischievous grin on Steven's face appeared all too suspicious. "Steven!" she urged, but he sprang up and snatched the bowl from her hands. Without a second thought, he thrust his face into it, causing milk to splash onto his thick, dark brown curls, dampening his t-shirt and bedding. Y/n's head drooped in exasperation as Amethyst and Steven erupted into cheers.

"There's no foot now!"

"Great job, Steven!" Amethyst cheered, joining in with Y/n's quiet sigh.

Steven leaned back on his bed, inadvertently transferring the cereal bits from his shirt to his comforter. "Now it's time to comb the beach for quarters with... my trusty Metal Mutt!" He wiggled around on his bed, as if struggling to reach something.

"S-Steven," Y/n grumbled under her breath, trying not to dwell on the fact that she had just washed some of his blankets for him. Her furrowed brows softened as her attention shifted to the puppy-themed metal detector that Steven was proudly presenting, as if it were a prized possession. "It's actually pretty cute," she mumbled, her annoyance gradually fading as she admired the small spike collar adorning the device.

"You wanna come collect quarters with me, Y/n?" Steven looked up at her expectantly. Y/n rolled her head, trying to ignore the mess he had created. It wouldn't be long before some of his blankets had spots smelling of sour milk. Her eyes glanced towards the living room, where she caught a glimpse of Pearl, a gentle smile playing on her lips.

"Sure," Y/n hummed, following Steven downstairs as he rambled on about how many quarters they could find. Yet, the sound of waves crashing against the shore still echoed in her mind, a remnant of the dream she had just woken up from. She couldn't shake off the confusion of how she had ended up on the couch when she had fallen asleep watching Pearl dance on the beach.

Y/n paused on the last step. "I'll meet you outside, Steven." She looked around the room, spotting Pearl sitting at the kitchen table, lost in her own thoughts. The morning light poured through the windows, casting a soft glow on Pearl's elegant figure. Y/n's heart skipped a beat at the sight, a fond smile tugging at her lips.

"Hey, Pearl," Y/n spoke softly as she approached, her voice tinged with curiosity and confusion. "I... I fell asleep on the beach. How did I end up here on the couch?"

Pearl turned her attention to Y/n, a faint blush coloring her cheeks. She shifted in her seat, her hands fidgeting nervously on the table. "Well, you were sleeping so peacefully, and I didn't want to disturb you," she explained, her voice carrying a mix of hesitation and vulnerability. "So, I... I carried you back here." Her words held a tender quality, revealing the depth of her feelings. "It wasn't a big deal, really."

Y/n's eyes widened with surprise, a rush of warmth spreading through her. Pearl had carried her back, cradling her in her arms while she slept. The tenderness of the act sent a flutter through Y/n's stomach.

Before Y/n could respond, Amethyst, who had been observing the interaction from a distance, couldn't resist joining in with a mischievous grin on her face. She sauntered over, eager to tease the two of them.

"Well, well, well," Amethyst began teasingly, waggling her eyebrows suggestively. "Carrying her in your arms, huh, Pearl? Smooth moves!"

Embarrassment tinged Y/n's cheeks as she glanced at Pearl, their eyes meeting in an unspoken connection.

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