Burning cheeks

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"So," Steven began enthusiastically, taking deliberate bites of cereal with his spoon

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"So," Steven began enthusiastically, taking deliberate bites of cereal with his spoon. "What's today's mission? I hope it's something epic, like battling a giant  foot!"

Y/n glanced over at him, sitting beside him on his bed, savoring spoonfuls of breakfast between words. "Hey, Steven, remember not to speak with your mouth full. It's not very appetizing." Steven quickly swallowed, nodding in agreement, but their attention was abruptly drawn to Pearl in the living room, gracefully twirling her spear above her head. There was a brief, intense stare between Y/n and Pearl that lingered longer than either of them expected.

Y/n had woken up on the couch, her hair tangled messily on the pillow, and the remnants of last night's clothes clinging to her skin due to the sweltering summer morning. She couldn't quite recall how she had ended up back at the temple but vaguely remembered drifting off under the starry sky while Pearl danced gracefully in the sand.

"If there were a giant foot to fight, Garnet would have let them know," Y/n replied, her gaze shifting from Pearl to Steven.

Amethyst observed Pearl's spear tapping the wooden floor as it descended from its spinning dance, her focus fixated on the sharp point. "Yeah, Garnet is the boss," Amethyst chimed in, reclining on the makeshift bed of pillows that belonged to Y/n.

"Well..." Pearl paused, her voice a soft murmur, her lips pursed, "we're all a team. Garnet just has heightened perception that guides us toward our mission objectives." Her blue eyes flickered back up to the loft where Y/n and Steven sat.

"Yeah! She's the boss," Amethyst reiterated, propping herself up and attempting to catch a glimpse of the two cousins.

"So, where is she then? Off to fight the giant foot?" Steven inquired, munching on another mouthful of cereal and milk.

The image formed in Y/n's mind: Garnet delivering a powerful punch to a colossal, disembodied foot, its face scribbled with a frown. She imagined the foot soaring through the air like a puppet on strings, exploding into a spectacular display of fireworks.

"She's not fighting a foot," Pearl sighed, placing her hands on her hips once her spear dissipated back into her gem. She looked up at Steven and Y/n. "Garnet often goes on missions without all of us. She's probably handling something very important."

Amethyst cast a mischievous glance, her smile sly. "Oh wait, Steven! I just remembered, Garnet had a special mission just for you!"

"R-really?!" Steven's voice quivered with excitement, his eyes gleaming at the mere mention of a task assigned by Garnet.

"Yeah! She said..." Amethyst paused, scanning the room before her gaze settled on Steven's hands. "You have to perform a daring face slam into that bowl of cereal!"

Pearl and Y/n exchanged wide-eyed glances across the room. In seconds, Y/n's hands were already clutching the rim of Steven's cereal bowl, holding it above his head. "Amethyst, seriously?"

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