Cold tones

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For Steven and your hopefully new friend Amethyst, you tried the bits. The leftover pieces of fries tasted like a whole mixture between completely soggy from grease to also tasting too hard and burnt on certain sides, all while being completely covered in salt. Amethyst's smile widened when You told her she could have the rest of the bits to which the young woman considered a social win.

The gem and half gem pulled you to various spots among the boardwalk. Unfortunately, most of the businesses were closing for the night but Funland remained open. "Perfect, let's ride a rollercoaster or-" Amethyst began to ramble but you seem focused on the Ferris wheel. Amethyst rolled her eyes. "That's not even fun! You guys!" She groaned tugging on the ends of her hair.

"Please, just one ride around." You asked softly, indicating a one with your index finger as you asked in a small playful pleas. Steven nodded and took one of your hands.

"Come on!"

Amethyst sighed but followed after the two you. The line wasn't awful, it only was around a five minute wait, the carts weren't that bad and the sight was stunning. In fact the sight of BeachCity was luminous. The sun was setting, streetlights and various homes were flickering their lights on for the night while the boardwalk stayed lively. The mixture of sounds of the music, park guest and the various attractions felt oddly welcoming. However, in the distance was a sound that didn't blend with the rest of it.

Steven leaned over the railing of the cart, rocking it gently as he squinted his eyes before letting out a gasp. "That's Sour Cream down there! He must be hosting a rave!" His head turns towards you before whipping around at Amethyst. "We should go!"

"Sour Cream?" You questioned the name, or nickname. It had to be a nickname right? "Does he often host raves on the beach?" You asked, while leaning forward in your seat to get a better view. Down below, on the beach was a decent crowd of people dancing and swinging what looked to be glow sticks in their hands.

"We can go ask him." Steven replied eagerly. He appeared to be so excited and upbeat all of the time, You only wished you could understand just how Steven did it.

By the time the trio got off the Ferris wheel and went down to the beach, the sun was fully set. You weren't sure if Sour Cream was playing Rave techno or EDM, maybe a mixture of both either way the crowd on the beach seemed to be enjoying themselves. There was even some oldish looking man in a yellow raincoat dancing with glow sticks like his life depended on it. You  cracked a laugh at the sight, wishing to have the energy to match his or any of the crowds but the day's travels had worn on you and your social battery felt like it was about to die. She walked off away from Amethyst and Steven, allowing them to party among the other townspeople and settled near the shore line. She pulled out her cellphone which lacked any notifications and with a sigh slipped it back in. Her hand dug farther into her pocket pulling out a small cheap lighter, the only awful thing about beach city was not having a hook up to special greens to smoke.


You turned around from the shoreline and faced your younger cousin. In his hand were two glowsticks, one of which was being held out to you. You shook your head with a soft smile. "No thanks, kid." Giving a small ruffle to his hair, "I think I might actually head back to the house." You pointed with your thumb towards the direction of the beach house. Steven's mouth began to open but you were quicker, "I'll be fine. You stay here if you want and have fun okay."

"Okay, let me know if you need anything okay?" Steven threw out before disappearing back into the small crowd.

You nodded her head gently and started her walk back to the beach house. Once reached the inside of the house, you moved back to the couch and shuffled through your duffle bag,  pulling out a pair of pj's and  changing in the small bathroom before creating a makeshift bed on the couch for yourself.  You settled down on it and wrapped within a few thin blankets, and grabbed your laptop to look if you had any new notifications. 

Your head shot up to the sound of the large door in the back of the house opening and out came Pearl. The tall and slender gem met your eyes  but only for a slightest moment before she cocked her head in a different direction. You suppressed the urge of biting the inside of your cheek and instead glanced back down the screen nervously. "Um... thanks for letting me stay with you guys for the summer." Your voice speaks up hesitantly, words having the smallest stutter.

"It was Steven's and Greg's idea. Not us gems."

"Oh." A blush crossed your cheeks sheepishly and you lowered your head more into the blankets. "Well..."  peaked your head up once more, "I hope you have a goodnight." You offered.

"Gems do not need sleep but thank you I guess."

You held back a heavy sigh and focused on the  laptop before closing it shut and rolling over on your side. She couldn't help but feel as if were intruding at least just a bit. Then again maybe with time things would be better. 


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