Round 4- The Rescue

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The steady, rhythmic beeping of a tracker filled out the silence with a disturbing noise and Riley snapped her head to me with a glare for the umpteenth time in fifteen minutes.

I couldn't blame her, every crunch of our boots on the cobblestone and every chirping of birds set me off too.

I gave her an apologetic smile and she returned it with an even harsher glare.


"Would you please keep that little thing quiet for a few minutes? We can't risk the whole world knowing what we are doing." She sassed with irritation.

I rolled my eyes, "Oh please, without this we would be wandering about like blind bats in daylight and you know firsthand what that leads to." I said, referring to the time she led us into a den of wanderers. We barely escaped with our limbs attached.

She looked away, flustered, "That was a momentary lapse of judgement."

"That almost cost us our lives. Our lives! In case you haven't noticed, we don't have plenty of those." I skip over a road bump and turn towards a corner.

"Whatever. Just do what you have to do and get us there already."

I rolled my eyes and silence fell upon us. I wasn't really sure but I had a vague suspicion of where the tracker was taking us.

My suspicion was soon confirmed when we arrived at a clearing with numerous tombstones and overgrown grasses.

"Seriously Lydia? A graveyard?" Riley asked in disbelieve but I ignored her, my eyes focused on the tracker that had suddenly gone out of control.

The arrows were spiraling out of control, going every-which-way and the beeping was consistent and definitely annoying.

That. Is real noise.

I hit the device a few times with my palm bit the result was the same consistent noise.

Riley glanced at the device then back at me. I rolled my eyes at the look in her eyes that screamed disbelieve.

"Look, the tacker acts up when it's near a huge magnetic device that draws all the currents so that counts for something. It shows that we are almost there."

She swiveled around and flailed her arms, "Yeah I'm sure we are. And in the middle of a graveyard for that matter."

"There's got to be something..." I muttered, scanning the area with care.

Grass, tombstones and more grass.

A slight movement caught my eyes and I turned to Riley in question.

"Did you hear that?"

"Hear what?" I asked, suddenly alarmed when her behavior.

"Off that damned device first, would you?"

I fumbled a bit before I managed to finally turn it off. Then I heard it.

I was like a humming bee, low and distant. Almost in-exsistent.

"The humming bird." I whispered.

"Yeah. Sounds pretty much like it. I thunk it's coming from that direction." She nodded towards my back and I turned to see a path leading to god-knows-where.

Without wasting much time, we headed down the path. I stopped just before we came out from our cover of bushes, my mouth hanging open at the magnificent sight before me.

Riley appeared beside my head. "I can get why it's called a humming bird. The things actually looks like a huge bird covered in metal, but sadly, we didn't come here to admire the view. Now will you move or will you fancy a kick out of the way?" I turned to see her raising an eyebrow at me.

I rolled my eyes at her never-ending sarcasm. "We know our parts right? You draw their attention-"

"-and you will go in and deal with the rest of the inhumane crew in that ship and rescue Fidel." She continued and began fumbling around in her bag, looking for the firecracker.

I held her arm and she stopped to look at me in irritation.

"I know that this is all a facade to hide your anxiety and I'm telling you now that we are going not going to fail. We are going to get him back. Trust me."

She looked back at me fiercely. "I never said we were going to fail. Just hoping you wouldn't screw us over."

I watched her run out into the open, drawing their attention to the new threat out in open, watched them chase her until she was out of sight.

Not only was she cocky, she also found confidence in her speed.

I sigh and advance towards the ship, using my agility as an advantage.

I put my feet inbetween the door, preventing it from closing in my before I slipped inside, dagger raised in one hand.

I tentatively walked down the corridor, watching my misty breath circulate all around me.

The violent light helped me catch the shadow of a vein turned to me. I could use this as an advantage.

I tip-toed down the corridor, each step taken with caution and precision.

So close. I was so close to stabbing the titanium coated knife into it.

But it unexpectedly turned around and caught me by my throat in a choke hold. I struggled against the Iron grip but the hold only seemed to get tighter.

I stabbed repeatedly into it but it only irked it more. It grabbed my hand and snapped it and I watched the knife fall from my grip.

I was going across the corridor, landing on an unexpectedly hard steel wall that crumbled a bit then repaired itself almost immediately.

Which left me wandering how advanced their creator was. This monstrous entities with super human strength, literally built as apex predators.

I watched it wobble closer and closer, clutching my broken wrist to my chest and the other closer to my belt.

I had to do it for him.

My hand clutched taser as it lifted me up by the neck like some light weight kindoll. The hold was crushing and I could feel my life slip away with each gasped breath.

It is now or never.

I pulled the weapon and turned out on as high as I could and watched it convulse, some of the shock traveling into me before it released me and I crumbled to the floor gasping for breath.

A scream your through the air and I followed the sound, recognizing the voice. It was Fidel screaming in agony.

It was like stumbling through the dark because it was hard to pinpoint the exact location of the scream.

I wandered aimlessly for a moment before I came to do beside a steel door. I searched for an opening, banging on the door. It was futile.

I went back and dragged the mutation back to the door, using his hands to unlock the door.

I heaved and the the body aside, waiting for it to slide open before rushing in.

The sight before me had me sound in my tracks.

There stood Fidel, mutating into a monster

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