I go to the place where like ten boys are still eating. The only one sitting at my table is Gally.

"Hey, isn't Newt here?" I ask him.

"Good morning to you too, Greenie. Nice to see you too. No problem for saving you last night, twice. And no, do you see Newt here? He ate early in the morning."

I shake my head confused. "Yeah no, I'm sorry, good morning. What did you just say? Saving my life twice?"

Gally looks at me confused. "You don't remember what happened last night? With Ben?"


He places his hands in his short hair. "Oh gosh, how much did you drink? Or you're probably lucky you don't remember it. Could have found it traumatizing."

Is he being serious right now?
"Just tell me."

"Ben tried to kiss you. And probably do more. He was like on top of you and held your hands so you couldn't get away. It was not okay."

It feels like my stomach just dropped and my heart is beating in my throat. How can't I remember that? I don't know how to react.

Gally continues: "Newt had seen what was happening and came to get me. We pushed him off you and I brought him to the pit. Newt stayed with you."

"And after that?"

"I don't know. It was pretty late so I went to my hammock. I slept a bit and probably some hours later, Newt came to sleep too. I don't know if he was with you the whole time, I think you should know what."

I try to remember it but there's nothing from when Newt brought me to my bed. But I do just realize that I'm wearing a hoodie. Where did this come from and how did I change? Oh no, did something happen between Newt and me? No, no, I would remember that.

But why isn't he here, we had a promise. I see Gally notice the puzzled look on my face. "Did something happen between you two?" He asks.

"No. Well, I don't remember but it can't. I won't. I don't want it so even if I was drunk. Right?"

"I don't know what you want, but I know Newt won't take advantage of you being drunk. So no worries."

Gally is probably right, nothing happened. I start eating but Gally gets up to leave. "Okay Greenie, I gotta get to work. But Newt and I will talk with Alby about what happened last night. We'll make sure it won't happen again."


I guess Gally and Newt went to talk with Alby. 'Cause I was just told by Winston that everyone needs to go to the homestead for the announcement of a new rule. I guess that's about me.

I'm one of the last ones to arrive. I don't want to talk with a lot of people, I'm kinda ashamed of what happened.

Alby is standing on a table so everyone can see him. Newt is standing right next to him with his arms crossed.

"Alright, silence please!" Newt screams.

"Thanks, Newt," Alby says. "So we are here all together because there will be a new rule. You all know that the most important thing we have is each other. So we must live together in peace. And recently, we got our new Greenie, Y/n. Since she's here, it's not so peaceful, but that's not her fault. Most of you know what happened with Ben yesterday. And also the fighting matches. I know some of yall really miss girls, but in the Glade, there's only one, and we have to take care of her. The way some are acting, we can't have that here.
I can say 'only Y/n can choose if she would be dating someone' but that would also give trouble.
So, in the Glade, there will be no dating. We live together as brothers and sister. Thank you."

Damn, that's personal. No dating? I thought it would be 'No more hitting on a girl without permission' or something like that.

What if I catch feelings for someone? I could never be together with them.

But, maybe it's a good thing. At least now the boys who wanted to date will stay away. I don't have to worry about that anymore.

Some of the boys look pissed off with the rule. No one dares to complain about it to Alby though. He's already gone but Newt is still here. Maybe I should go talk to him about yesterday.

I'm lucky, he's just walking away, so I don't have to make my way through the crowd.

"Newt," I scream so he would stop, but he keeps walking away. It feels like he's even going faster now.

I have to make a little sprint to reach him. His chocolate-colored eyes meet mine and a smile appears on my lips. "Hey, Newt, I've been looking for you."

He doesn't look happy to see me. My smile takes place for a confused look.

"What do you want?" He asks a bit brutally.

"I- uh.. nothing actually, I just wanted to talk a bit. Like about last night. I don't remember much." I laugh a bit but Newt doesn't seem to think it's funny.

"You shouldn't drink too much then. I have work to do, so."

"Okay, will I see you for dinner then?"

"Probably not, lots of work. But I'm sure you can eat on your own now so. I really have to go now."

Before I can respond, he's gone, again. Damn it, he's ignoring me again. But I remember we made up last night. What happened after that? Why is he again acting like this?

This boy is making me confused. One moment, he's just fun and the other he's mad for no reason. Maybe I should leave him alone a bit longer now.

~~Newt's pov~~

This girl is making me confused. Like actually, what the bloody hell is happening. Why does she have the same necklace as I have? This is making it all so much more difficult.

Every time I get involved with her, something happens. She's falling, she's panicking, she's passing out, she's not eating, she's drunk, she's almost being raped probably. And now the necklace.

I don't trust her. I can't tell her about it either. No one should know.

I have to try and let it go.


A few days past and turns out, I'm not good at letting it go. But Y/n isn't either.

I hoped she wouldn't talk to me for e while if I acted mad again. But she must have felt guilty. Because it took her 2 days before begging me to talk again.

Okay, maybe not begging. But she seems a bit desperate. She's trying so hard to get along with all the Gladers. She even forgives Ben, I don't even forgive that Shank.

I suggested abandoning him, but Alby doesn't listen to me that much anymore. So Alby announced Ben will be out of the Slammers tomorrow.

But that's not the only thing I can't let go. I have this feeling inside, it says that I should get to know Y/n, instead of ignoring her. That way, I can maybe figure out something more.

So when she came to me, I agreed to eat with her again. God, this is going up and down a lot, isn't it?

Anyway, eating with her isn't enough to get to know her. I wanna know what she knows, 'cause I feel there's something different about her. Maybe she remembers more than we do.

But I don't want to talk with her like just the two of us, when we don't have to reason to be together.

So I have a plan, and I'm now going to Alby to discuss it. I think he will say yes to this, why won't he?

It only took five minutes, and he agreed with me. He thought it was a great idea. I even made sure he would tell Y/n about it.

I have to announce to the gardeners we have an extra pair of hands. Y/n will be working with me in the garden. I told Alby: "That way, if something happens, I'm always close."

But this way, I can keep an eye on what she's doing, and maybe she will eventually trust me enough to tell me everything she knows.







Subject A5 & A17 (Maze Runner-Newt x reader)Where stories live. Discover now