Chapter 7: Birthday Party

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"What do you think? This or this?" asks Vic as she stands in front of my mirror holding two tops. I remember when I asked her this and decide to just give her the same answer, she gave me back then. "You look good in both." She groans in annoyance and drops her head. In the end, though, it boils down to the black and now matches my outfit. I watch her through the mirror and watch her do her eyeliner. I could do this for hours. Just watching Vic do whatever. I sigh out in satisfaction, which turns her attention to me. "You seem very calm for wanting to party soon!" "I know. It all comes with time." "I hope so!" I'm laughing at her enthusiasm when suddenly there's a knock at the door. Thomas sticks his head in and finally joins me on the bed. He desperately holds up his nail polish. "Will you help me?" I nod and put his hand on my lap. Carefully, I start spreading the black liquid on his nails. I hear Vic's squeaky giggle next to me and turn to her questioningly. "Do you know how cute you are when you're concentrated?" Starting at you, I've already stopped listening. Did she really call me cute? Yes of course she probably has a a reason for it, but still. I swallow and try to hide my sudden nervousness towards her.
"Why?" I ask instead, "Well, every time you concentrate, you stick out the tip of your tongue." I just shake my head with a smile on my lips, but notice that my cheeks are getting slightly red. I turn away from her and instead look Thomas in the eyes, who seems to know something I don't, as he just grins at me. I quickly drop dramatically backwards into bed and slap my hands in front of my face. I take a deep breath in before reaching for my phone and immediately recognizing Vic on it again. My wallpaper, it's Vic and I and is only a few days old. One of the guys had taken a picture when I fell asleep on her shoulder and sent it to our group chat.
I scroll through Insta for a while while Thomas lies next to me and watches some YouTube videos. A few minutes later Vic is done and we go downstairs together to the couch where Damiano is sitting watching some Italian sitcom.

"They're here!" I call out as I hear the car door slam in front of the house and a few seconds later the key in the door. Jake comes in first and then Ethan. Like children, we jump at him from the side. "Surprise!" we shout and let Ethan in. He thanks us all and it doesn't take long for the first guests to arrive. I greet everyone in a friendly manner even though I don't even know some of them. The rooms fill up and around 9 o'clock everyone is there. With a plastic crown on his head, Ethan cuts his birthday cake. He hands out everyone their first piece of cake, while the band and I wait until the end. The cake is awesome, which is why I even grabbed a second piece. After the snack bar is opened, everyone is running around wildly the whole time. I get bumped from the side and look over. Vic holds a glass in front of my face. I take it and toast her. Together we drink and talk until everyone is asked onto the dance floor, known simply as the beach. Immediately the bassist pulls me along and starts jumping around in front of me. Of course I get in immediately and move to the beat. Next to us is Thomas who puts in his famous dance scene and has the fun of his life. From two songs I wanted to stay, become quite fast 5. How ever, my throat is dry in the meantime and I'm wet from all my sweat. I also need a short break from all the people. "I'm taking a little break!" I call out to Vic through the loud music, but it switches at that moment and something quieter starts playing. "Just one more dance?" her blue eyes sparkle at me and make sure I just can't say no. She puts her arms around my neck and I put mine around her waist. My heart starts beating faster and I'm afraid she'll notice as she leans her head against my shoulder as well. I rest mine sideways on hers and block out everything around me. As if there were only us in this universe. The song goes by way too fast. Just as fast as the beat from the next song is. I slowly break away from her and try to hide my grin. I quickly disappear into the kitchen where I put my glass away and run into Ethan at the snack bar.

"And do you like it so far?" "It's all great! Thanks!" I rub his shoulder once before pushing my way back outside, however I walk a bit further through to the ocean. Fortunately, the light sand mountain ensures that the music does not resound too loudly and I have some peace to sort out my thoughts. I get the small black notebook out and start to write on it. Soon I have a few confused lines on paper, when I suddenly hear footsteps behind me. Immediately I turn around and see to my relief that it is only Thomas, because I've been feeling the whole evening already observed.
"What are you doing down here alone?" "Taking a little break from the loud music." He nods and settles down next to me. "What are you writing?" "Oh just what's on my mind here and there. Nothing serious." "May I?" I hesitate for a moment, but then hand him the notebook. He flips through a few pages and then looks at me, impressed. "Who are these about?" "What do you mean?" "Well your things that go through your head here and there are obviously feelings you have for a person." I take the book from his hand and read over it again myself. Of course he's right. Everything reminds me of Vic. From the blue from the sky, which I compare to her eyes, to her sweet squeaky laugh. I just shrug my shoulders. There are so many new things. Assuming I really do like Vic more than just a good friend, after all, I don't want to destroy that friendship. "I guess you already know." For some reason, I notice myself getting tears. Thomas puts his arm around me. "Hey it's all good." I just sigh and put my head in his arms. I can't be in love with a girl, can I? I can't. I only have this life after all, so why should it be this one where I can't live every little girl's dream. A husband, two children and a house. Why am I like this? Why do I think like this? This is not right. I can't think about a girl the way I should about a boy. Thomas seems to be able to read my mind. "You know that one of our images says that you can love who ever the fuck you want?" I just nod and close my eyes. I don't know how long we've been sitting there, but apparently long enough for the others to start worrying. "Found'em!" we hear Damiano's drunken voice behind us. Immediately we get up and run towards him. "There you are! Come on we'll do karaoke upstairs!"
My mood is immediately lifted a bit when I hear my brother singing terribly into the microphone. A few seconds later I also hold one in my hand and sing along. Song after song goes by and it gets later and later and the guests less and less, until in the end there are only 6 of us left. I am the only one who is still kinda sober. While the boys and Vic are lying on the couch and already resting, I clear away a few bottles. However, not many, because Ethan explains to me quickly that we do that tomorrow together. I just nod and help everyone up the stairs. Jake and Damiano slur a song as they stagger up the stairs. As soon as I see that everyone is safely in bed, I go to my room, where Vic is already lying.I quickly remove my makeup and lie down with her, where she is already snoring. It takes a while until I find my sleep, but then finally manage it, only to be woken up again early in the morning by Vic.
Fortunately, I had already taken precautions last night and put a bucket next to everyone's bed. I hear the puking sounds next to my bed and immediately lean over her to keep her hair out of her face. When she's done, she leans against the back of the bed. "Sorry." She just says, which I wave off as I myself try to keep last night's cake inside. I quickly take the bucket to the bathroom rinse it all down once and then wash it out before bringing it back to Vic. After a few squirts of perfume and a breath of air, I'm breathing normally again. "I'm really sorry. If I'd known you couldn't have this either, I would have stayed down right away." "Hey, it's okay. I made a conscious decision to bring you here." I hand her a glass of water, which is empty within a second. She sets it aside and puts her head on my chest and snuggles in with me. It doesn't take long until she falls asleep again and I decide to go downstairs and clean up.

Just as I step the last step down I hear noises from the kitchen. Curious, I follow the sounds and my heart slips into my pants as I see two dark brown eyes flashing. "You?!" "I told you I'd find a way." The woman from last time glares at me meanly. Through the balcony door now also comes a tall, broadly built man. Both smell strongly of alcohol and I slowly take a step back. "Oh, that's a good friend of mine. Just in case my Thomas doesn't want to come with me now." "How long have you been here?" "Since yesterday, of course. You forgot to invite me too, so I thought I'd come as a surprise guest." She gives a short laugh and winks at me. "I think it would be better if you leave now." I still try to send her away in the nice way. "Of course, I'll just go and get my baby." She replies and takes a step towards me. I stand up straight and shake my head. "I don't think so. Either you leave now or I'll call the police!" I tell her in my most confident sounding tone. She just grins and gives me a slap. Just as I'm about to slam my fist into her face, I'm pushed away by her friend. I land hard on the kitchen floor and feel a pull in my back. Slowly I sit up again, but the other two are already upstairs. "Thomas!" I shout loudly and hope that it is not too late. The adrenaline is flowing through my blood right now and I ignore the pain. I run up the stairs and slam Thomas' door open. Thomas is sitting on the bed with fear in his eyes while the man is holding him. The woman stands in his direction, but turns as I burst in. Without thinking, I clench my hand into a fist and punch the woman in the face. "You bitch!" I shout and feel her scratching my face with her long fingernails, but that's the only thing she can do. So she gets the next blow in the middle of her nose, so that the blood shoots out immediately. Screaming, she holds her nose. The man has let go of Thomas in the meantime and is now coming towards me. He takes a swing and strikes.


Finally some tension is build up...🤭 What do you think how it continues? Let me know with pleasure.

Bye Bye!

(Btw I know that Vic actually has Emetophobia, but I haven't thought about it while I wrote this)

As I look into her blue eyes and smile ~Victoria De Angelis(english translation)Where stories live. Discover now