Chapter 2: Ice cream

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The blazing sun gives me a hard time, since I'm normally only used to the mild weather in Germany. However, we are quite quickly in a store where the air conditioning is fortunately running at full speed. We shimmy from store to store, shelf to shelf and clothes rack to clothes rack, until we finally arrive back at the villa with full bags. Laughing, referring to Vic's previous sentence, we go into the house. I have not been so exhausted for a long time, but also happy at the same time. "I think we deserve an ice cream now to end the evening." I just nod in agreement. "Then let's wait for the guys and Damiano. Because around the corner here, they have the best of the best." She tells me and drops the bags. "Then I'll jump in the shower real quick before we leave soon." I announce and get a thumbs up. Once in my new room, I quickly kick off my shoes and grab everything important before jumping in the shower. The cold water is the perfect balance to the hot Italian sun. I stay in the shower for a few minutes and just enjoy the moment before washing. Twenty minutes later, I'm standing in front of the mirror. With a look at my hair, which rests with the towel pinned up, on my head I remember what I forgot. My brush. Perfect. Fortunately, I'm not the only one with long hair, so I quickly knock on my roommate's door.

Back then, I definitely would have been too embarrassed and waited for Jake to bring me one, but hey, I don't want to be that girl anymore. With a smile Vic opens the door for me."Well?" "Can I maybe borrow your brush later? Mine is still in Germany." "Sure, I'm just combing my hair, then you can have it. If you want you can make yourself comfortable on my bed in the meantime." I nod gratefully and watch her as she stands in front of the mirror. "Already a little tip. Never use Ethan's hair stuff, He would do anything but if you touch his hair stuff it's over." I look in shock at Vic, who is now no longer looking at me through the mirror, but has since turned to me. "Believe me I speak from personal experience. But other than that, he's super chill. We call him mom a lot. Even the fans call him that." Vic explains, focusing on her hair again. That's right they won the ESC recently. "Måneskin? Right?" "That's what it looks like." "What does this name stand for?" "Moonlight. The name comes from me because I'm half Danish." "That sounds cool. Tell me more about you. I've been talking about myself all day." "Understandably, it's fun to listen to you." I laugh sheepishly for a moment before Vic continues. "Well with me, there's really not much per se. After all, I've spent my whole life with the guys." "Are you kidding me. My brother is your manager. You guys won Sanremo and the ESC and you're going on tour. I'm sure there's some funny story there." "Alright give me some time to think." It doesn't take long before she has something and enthusiastically begins to tell.
For some reason her voice has a calming effect on me and I could listen to her for days. However, nothing good can happen to me once and so the doorbell rings just a few minutes later. Vic looks first at the clock and then at me. "That will be Damiano." She says excitedly and runs down the stairs. I immediately jump up and follow her. "Ciao!" they greet each other and take each other in their arms, while I stand by like a little kid and observe the situation."Ciao! You must be Sarah. I'm Damiano. Sorry I couldn't meet you sooner." I just give a quick wave. "Oh, no problem." "And the boys left you alone with Vic on the very first day? Mamamia!" Vic looks at him with a 'are you serious look' and punches him in the shoulder. "Ow!" he exclaims, dramatically holding his arm. "See very violent." He points at Vic and takes a few steps back. "It wasn't that bad. Besides, she's pretty sympathetic to me." I reply and watch Vic stand next to me, beaming, before sticking her tongue out at Damiano. "Grazie Sarah." Damiano just starts laughing before we walk together into the big living room, with a huge couch. "Are you coming with us later? We were going to go out for ice cream with the others." Vic explains the plan for the evening, to which Damiano immediately nods. "Yeah, I could really use that right now." It doesn't take long for the rest of the gang to show up.
"No, that's not true!" "Cazzo you saw it yourself!" that sounds like my brother. I catch sight of Thomas first and then Jake as I turn around. The two still seem to disagree. Finally Ethan walks in, sighing like a tired mother who can't listen to the kids' arguments anymore. "And you seriously lived with him for 20 years and decide to go through the whole thing again!" I laugh at his comment as he drops down next to me. "Well then you can imagine how bad it must have been there if I'm voluntarily moving in with him again now." Ethan gives me a worried look and slaps me on the shoulder. "Poor you." "Don't worry about it. After all, I came here to forget all that." He nods with a slight smile on his lips. "So you guys have everything?" Damiano asks, getting up from the couch. We all nod before Ethan glances over at Vic. "Go get a jacket, you know it's going to get fresher tonight." Vic just rolls her eyes and shakes her head. "I don't need one. Let's go" Ethan just sighs "Believe it or not our band mom here is right. It might not be so bad for the first two weeks because you're used to the cold weather but after that you really better pack one." Explains Jake. I nod my thanks and just decide to take care of it now and quickly get a sweater out of my suitcase. "Let's start!" Jake announces and we leave the villa together. The sun is not as strong in the evening as it is at noon, so it is much more pleasant. We walk along the beach for about 20 minutes before we come across the first ice cream parlors and stores. Meanwhile, I keep exchanging ideas with the guys and get to know them better. "Do you already know Thomas' rabbit story?" Vic asks and grins at Thomas, who is already clapping his hand on his forehead. I look questioningly and curiously at Thomas, who takes a deep breath in and out before he begins to tell. "So when I was younger, I had a rabbit. So a friend and I thought we could start a rabbit farm. And the idea was to say 'Do you want to buy a rabbit?' and then when they answered 'Yes.' we would collect the money and never give them a rabbit in return." Shocked, I look from Thomas to Vic. "Woah so I'm living with criminals here?" I ask wryly, putting my hand to my chest in fake shock. Thomas throws his hands in the air. "Way to go Vic! We haven't even known her a day and she probably already thinks I'm crazy." Vic just laughs wickedly, though I have to suppress a big grin as well. "Listen, I don't think you're crazy, it's just that the brains in your group were missing." Vic now breaks out laughing loudly next to me. Just like the guys in front of me. Even Thomas has to grin and shakes his head in embarrassment.

Once we arrive, we settle down at a table together. "So what are your recommendations?" I ask curiously as I go through the many options on the menu. "Stracciatella!" everyone immediately agrees. "Stracciatella it is." I laugh and place the menu on the table in front of me. It doesn't take long for a waiter to take our orders. While we wait we all talk a bit and the atmosphere is just insane. I have never felt so comfortable when I was out. It doesn't take long until the waiter shows up at our table for the first time and then for the second time to serve everyone. I gleefully take the first spoonful of my ice cream. It immediately starts to melt and leaves a nice cold feeling in my mouth. Wow.
"Damiano if you keep eating so fast you'll have brain freeze later." I explain, while in this short time he has already shoved two spoons in again."Oh nonsense. I'm Italian, I can take it." As suspected, he screws up his face a few seconds later." Vic starts laughing. "Let's see if you're laughing when you're freezing later bc you didn't listen to Ethan." "Ohhh." Comes it from Jake and Thomas and we all start laughing. Together we stay seated late into the night until one of the waiters informs us that they are closing soon. We all pay and start our way back. The way back is quieter than the way there, because we are all pretty tired. Damiano walks in the front with Jake, behind them Thomas and Ethan talking about a new song and finally Vic and me. We walk next to each other in silence for a while. Not the awkward silence, but the well quiet silence. No one says anything, you just enjoy the moment. Like the sand under our feet, the waves that keep floating back and forth evenly as well as the dark sky which is lit by a few bright stars.
"Ethan was right though, maybe I should have brought a jacket." Vic breaks the silence after 5 minutes and runs up and down her upper arms to warm herself. Without thinking, I undo the knot from my sweater and echo it to her. "Oh no, if he sees this, he's going to haunt me with it forever and ever. I can hear it already. 'Are you sure you don't need this? Don't you remember that time we went out for ice cream? '" I just laugh and put it around her shoulders. "Just give it back to me later and he'll never know." I hold my index finger in front of my mouth and wink at her. Gratefully, she immediately puts it down so that her arms are almost completely covered. Relieved to finally be at the mansion, I pick up my sweater again and follow the others through the door. "Ciao! I'm going to hit the hay." Jake declares and disappears up the stairs. "I'm looking forward to my bed now too." I admit and put my shoes down with the others. "Oh yeah." Agrees Damiano and together we go upstairs. I wish everyone a good night before dropping into bed ready to go within minutes.
Satisfied, I look up at the ceiling and think about everything I've already experienced today. I turn my head to the side and see the penguin with the sunglasses which now stands on my nightstand. When I told Vic how much I love penguins, she insisted on buying it for me when she saw it. I couldn't do much about it, she had already paid and held the bag in front of my face with a big grin. It doesn't take long until I fall asleep from exhaustion.

With that the second chapter is now also finished:)

I hope you enjoyed reading it and if you do you can vote for it again! Let me know with pleasure:)

Have a nice Sunday to all of you<33

As I look into her blue eyes and smile ~Victoria De Angelis(english translation)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora