-The Spell-

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Well then...
...I guess it's time to write the main part of the story...

The Emperors had just started to make their way to the blood circle, one of the main landmarks of Mythland.

They'd woken up early to prepare themselves for the spell that would end and begin their lives. No pressure.

Gem and Sausage had reviewed the spell so no mistakes would be made. They took the sunflower blessing as well from Fwhip too. Joel and Kathrine had already left to to check the candles were still alight while Jimmy and Pix waited as they weren't really sure what to do. Gem had told Jimmy it was best he didn't help in case something went wrong, bit harsh.

Finally just an hour before mid-day Fwhip and the others made their way to the summoning area. It was a sunny day with barely any clouds in the sky and hundreds of crimson sheep invading the streets of Sausage's Empire.

"Their you are slow coaches!" Called the Mezaelan King and he blew the once lit match away into smoke.
"Hiya Joel, you guys done?"
"Ye ye that's all done, none of them had blown out, typical." He rolled his eyes. "Just the ones surrounding needed for some light. Waste of time we could've had a lovely last lie in but nope we walk all the way to the other side of Mythland to see something that hasn't even bloody happened!" He groaned.
The others chuckled and Joel's rants but shortly turned serious when Gem explained the plan for the billionth but last time.

"Sausage and myself will stand in the centre while Pix holds the flower ready. The rest of you please just stand back. I wish you all the best of luck." She forced a smile out trying not to get too emotional but failed. Fwhip went over to give her a hug as they both started to shed tears. It soon became a group hug and sausage began to feel left out and and brought the rest of them in, squeezing them tightly.

"I..I'm going to miss you Fwhip. I love y-you." The ginger sniffed as her brother wiped the tears of her face. "Don't worry. You'll see me before you even know it." He just made out chocking back another sob.

Everyone started to get teary when saying their goodbyes. Joel and Jimmy had been crying on each others shoulders and Pix and Kathrine tried to cheer them up. "T-thank you guys. You know for sticking with me through the war, a-and being such good allies to the Codfather." The blonde thanked his fellow allies before making his way to  Fwhip. "Fwhip."
"Thank you. We had tuff times especially when we went to war but I'm grateful we got to eventually become friends, maybe next time we can stay that way."
"And to you too Jimmy. Your a good guy."
"That's it, anything at all you want to add? You know maybe coming up with this whole idea?" He scoffed.
"Nah... that's all you're getting." He joked.
With a final hand shake they parted for the final time.

"Gem this is it. You ready?"
She nodded and braced her staff ready in her hands.

The other did the same and breathed carefully trying to focus himself, quickly glancing around at the eyes staring back at him with crossed fingers.

Pix held it breath as the shorter male squeezed his hand, but he didn't let go.

Kathrine watched cautiously as it brought back memories of when she joined with Scott, Gem and Pearl to save Shurb from Xornoth and Joey.

"Joey this isn't you! Snap out of it!"
"Shut it you stupid Elf! Oi get your hands off me Pearl! Xorny!"
"Gem do it he's trapped!"

"Sausage!" Called the ginger.
"Yes Fwhip." He said turning his head
"I...I need to tell you something." What am I doing?
"Fwhip I can't concentrate on two things at once."
Tell him now?! Are you kidding me you had all this time and now you do this?
"Quickly." He rushed as Gem began chanting the spell.
"Sausage... Mythical.J.Sausage I love you."
"What?!" His eyes widened as his staff began to glow.
"Fwhip I lov-"
He paused as a ray of light exploded from his staff to the golden flower wiping the server in a ray of colour and strong winds. Blinding everyone and everything for miles across the server.

Then darkness consumed what was left.

Word count = 755

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