-Old Faces-

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The sun had set and the moon shone over the the Roseblings cottage. Fwhip was washing up dishes from their last cooked dinner while Gem sat on the sofa reading. "Fwhip! Look at this!" She yelled over to him. He turned round facing a fancy sheet of paper, "Remember this" she grinned. He squinted to see his old certificate from Crystal Cliffs Academy. "That brings back some memories, ay Gem."
It was still in good condition, a little bit faded but just readable without his glasses.
"Students, students say hello to... well he doesn't have a name yet so I'd like you to-"
"Bumble Butt."
"Yeah Bumble Butt that's nice!"
"Yeah that's a beautiful name Fwhip?..."

"Fwhip! You in there?"
"Huh? Oh sorry, zoned out."
That was a lie, and they both knew it, yet the wizard wasn't in the mood to argue. She'd ask in the morning. His sister turned round and headed back to her seat, but froze. They heard a knock at the door, she immediately looked at her brother who was unfazed by it, probably just a traveler looking for shelter for the night, that happened quite often. Another knock was heard, Gem slowly unlocked the door and opened it only just, so she could see their face. A tall figure stood their, a bit wet and wore a long cloak thats hood covered their face. "Hello? Can I help you."
No response.
"Hello? Excuse me I'm letting the warmth out."
She knew that voice, she opened the door wider, now face to face with the person in front. They quickly removed the cover from their face, his face, she knew that face. Ruffled blonde hair that blew in the wind, kind hazel eyes and green scales spotted across the face.
"J-Jimmy?! You...your here! And alive!" She screamed falling into her friend's arms. "I can't believe your alive after all this time!" She was now sobbing, that quickly turned. "This is all your fault! We wouldn't be here if it wasn't for yours and my brother's stupidity!" She shouted, kicking his shin. He yelped in pain, he forgot the wizard was quite strong, "Gem what's going-" Fwhip froze at the door, staring right into the travelers eyes, who stared right back. "Fwhip."
The redhead walked slowly towards the man, nerving Jimmy a bit. They may of been friends back in the day ; before that they'd been to war twice and that was a long time ago too. He stood and looked directly up to the cod, he looked almost in tears and hugged him. To Jimmys relief he hugged him back, Gem smiled and joined in.

The cod hybrid sat down on an armchair, with a pillow, he guessed by the purple highlights it was Gems. The twins sat opposite him while Gemini brought over some tea, "Jimmy what happened? It's been so long." Gem called from the kitchen. "Do you really not know, like after the final meeting. Surely you must." They shook their heads. "Soon after we left Gem's cat Gandalf told us to leave, so we did. What happened please Jimmy, is everyone okay?" Jimmy looked at them in horror, he fought everyone knew, apparently not. He didn't want to say, but the looks he was getting from both twins he didn't seem to have a choice. "Well" He gulped "After you left I did what you said, I went over to Lizzie, it took a while as the whole ocean had pretty much drained. I checked to see if my people were okay, thankfully they were, but by the time I had got to the Prisma Palace I couldn't find her. I searched everywhere until I heard a faint sobbing from her throne room, I was faced with my sister in my best friends, my brother-in-laws arms, I ran over and he had said because the ocean was gone it meant the ocean orb had died, so it killed her."
His voice started to crack, and tears formed in his eyes, Fwhip realised Jim hadn't spoken about this in a long time. "I stayed with Joel for a few years after that, he was broken. I tried to call out to the other Emperors, to see if anyone was okay. I got no replies. Kathrine and Pixl were missing as well as Shrub. Pearl, Joey, Sausage a-and... and Scott were dead." Now Jimmy was in tears, even though a widower he still wore his wedding ring (the Cod King had married Scott, the King of Rivendell a year before the events of the apocalypse) Fwhip noticed. But he looked over to Gem who was shook, she'd lost all her closets friends. And Sausage too, he was really gone. Now they knew. It only took them 30 years

Word count = 806

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