Chapter 2 Hurry! Run!

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Albion's Parents----->

Robin POV

Cold...! Wet...? Ahhhh!
My eyes are so heavy! Everything hurts so bad. I whimper as my hearing starts working again. It's raining! I'm outside! How did I end up out here? The last thing I remember is... Oh no! I passed out! I didn't clean my blood trail up! No, no,no,no,no! What am I gonna do? I move my head slightly and stop right away my head is pounding. I hear a little clinking noise which brings me to the realization that I am chained to my dog house!
Stupid stupid stupid! How could I have let this happen. Who knows how long I'll be out here. Why did you faint Robin! Tears gathered in my eyes. Everything hurts so bad!

Maybe...maybe I'll finally die.

Then all the pain would go away right? I wouldn't be trapped here forever in pain everyday. They wouldn't even bat an eye if I died. No one would notice. I would just be one less useless defective werewolf on earth.

No! Stop! That's no way to think about life! Maybe I'm trapped, but there will come a day when I'll leave here wether alive or dead it'll happen and it'll be a good thing. I just...I just have to be brave...I have to be brave and strong...
I here thunder in the distance that makes me cringe and a memory surfaces suddenly.

Lights blinding me make me cringe. Soft hands hold my own.
Lips kiss my nose.
Horrified faces.
A long drive.

Just like that the pictures are gone. Something happened...but what? I can't grip it tight enough to see it.

"MUTT!!!" My father screams suddenly  slamming the back door open and running across the lawn. I curl up a little more to prepare for whatever he is going to do. I become dizzy at the action. He slams down a bowl with food and water mixed and grabs my left ear and lifts it towards him saying through clinched teeth. Our guest has arrived early and will be here in 45 minutes. I expect you to be in the basement in 20. DO YOU UNDERSTAND?" He yells in my ear. I whimper a reply. "Look, Useless if you don't do as I ask, I will drag you out into the woods and shoot you myself! CLEAR ENOUGH!!" He yells the last part again. This time I shake my head up and down slightly.
Shoot me! He's never been this straight foreword about killing me before. Yes he's threatened to kill be numerous times, but never like this. He was serious in a away that makes it sound like instead of 20 minutes I need to make it down there in 10-15 minutes. He roughly tugged off my bloody chain
And kicked dirt on me and marched quickly back inside.

I slowly stand up and notice the bleeding completely had stopped. When I stood up however I felt some of the deeper ones rip back open in places. I limped a few steps and had to breathe deeply to calm my heart down from the tiny exertion. I limped a few more steps and was half way to the back door.

I can to this! I can do this!

I made it inside in five minutes and to my basement door with my doggy door in nine minutes! I gently tried to push into the doggy door to avoid it putting pressure on my wounds and bruises. Unfortunately it reopened a few more spots. As soon as I was on the other side of the basement door I sagged in relief and fell down at the top of the steps. Safe for now. Alive for now.

Albion POV

The drive was smooth and we arrived back home in no time. My parents were waiting at the door to the pack house when he pulled up to the house. I got out and shook my head at them answering the single question they have been asking me after every trip for the last three years. They're faces turned solum and I could feel their pity. I left my duffle bag for one of the submissives to carry and wash my clothes. I walked passed my parents and went straight up the grand stair case right inside the door they held open. Instead of taking the elevator right at the top of them, I turned left and decided to take the stairs to my office.

'First alpha business then we can take a run!' I promised my wolf.

My office was just as I left it, except the stack of papers in the delivery box. That's what I was here to take care of. As I sat in my chair I realized it was 6:35 AM. Everyone would be going to sleep. Sleep isan't an option right now. At least not until after a run. My wolf is pacing and howling and pacing. It's a never ending cycle. I finish the paper work in an hour. It was mostly approving bills and personal movings. I was ready to go for my run!

I shifted 100 feet into the woods. I didn't bother removing anything. I was to eager to feel the pressure in me ease up. Shifting is quick and painless for me as a very dominate alpha. My wolf is deep dark russet red. It looks black at night but during the day when light hits my fur it eliminates it as a deep bloody red.
I'm the only wolf I know of to have solid red fur. Most are a mix of colors. My wolf is also the largest of any werewolf I've ever met. He stands 8 feet tall. A normal alpha wolf stands about 6.5 feet tall and a normal wolf stands about 5 feet tall. I run the boarder of my territory six times passing patrolling wolves the whole way. My pack is the largest in our hemisphere. Our territory is vast. Running it six times is equivalent to running 1800 miles. It's exactly 300 miles in circumference.

At the end of my run my wolf is finally exhausted and we drag ourselves back to the pack house and up to our room. I shifted in the yard walking up. I jump in the shower getting rid of dirt and mud. For the first time in a week my wolf is laying down, not asleep, he never sleeps. He's merely sedated for a few hours. I stepped out of my steaming hot shower and quickly dried off and threw myself on my bed naked enjoying the numb quietness of my mind.

I woke up at 10:46 PM, exactly eight hours and 35 minutes from when I went to sleep, to light knocking on my door.
"Albion, sweetie," my mother called. "Your father and I need to talk to you. We'll wait in your sitting room." She stated calmly as I went to my closet and pulled on a T-shirt and sweat pants. "Be right there I yelled back as she walked back to my sitting room just down the hall from my room on the right.

What could this be about? Another blind date? About my next trip the next full moon? Questions swam through my head but as I walked into my sitting room they were pressed down by my parents worried faces.
I sat down in my large recliner it was meant for two people, but when I sat in it no one else could fit.

"Your next mating trip will be in rouge territory." My father stated bluntly.
My mouth literally fell open.
"What..."I began.
"Sweetie, " my mother said taking my hands on hers. "You've gone to every pack in the world almost...nothing and no one has sparked your attention. We feared this would happen, but your mate may be a rouge."
I was speechless at this statement. It made since.
My father piped up next saying, "Rouges are a rough sort. They don't live under laws like we do; however, there are people of there kind that they look up to or follow based on skill. One such gentleman is John Waller. He lives out in the eastern rouge territory we monitor and he's agreed to let you stay with him while you investigate the area. It's the largest rouge territory in these parts, so it's as good a place as any to start. He's expecting you tomorrow.

Thanks for reading! :D :D :D :D :D 😺
Unedited! :D

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