You heard the woman crying and a man talking her to shut up.

You wanted to burst out and help her right now, but you knew you had to wait.

Eventually the car comes to a stop, and you hear a garage door closing. You hear them get out of the car. You mimic an ability with good hearing.  Listening to them.

When you heard them on the other side of the car, you mimic invisibility. You slip out of the trunk and watch around the car, hiding in the shadows.

They had the girl tied up, once again you wanted to save her right there and then, but you knew you had to wait and watch.

More and more men poured into the room/ garage from a side door, and the poor girl looked terrified.

Soon the garage door opened again, and another car pulled in. A tall man wearing all black got out.

All the men stop chattering and turn to face him. He shut the car door with a slam, causing the girl to flinch.

He slowly walks up to the girl, his feet producing crisp clacking, the only sound now filling the room.

He stops infront of the girl, he grabs her chin to have her look up at him. He smirks. The poor girl is shaking, and you decide you've had enough.

You pull a rock out of your pocket and mimic it into a smoke bomb. You throw it in the corner and the room soon fills with smoke.

You run and jump on the man holding the girl, tackling him to the floor. You punch him square In The face, Causing him to pass out, and the smoke slowly starts to clear, and your attention is turned to the others in the room.

You sigh, knowing it'll be hard fighting off this many people at once.

You start anyway.

You throw punches and kicks, taking more out the more the smoke clears. Soon everyone is on the floor. The girl is shaking and crying still looking terrified.

You go back to normal, letting her see you and she flinches.

"Hey..hey it's okay, I'm a good guy I swear.. your okay now hmm?"

You comfort, your hands up as you approach her.

"I'm going to free you now, okay? Promise you won't do anything stupid and I'll see to getting you home safe, Kay?"

She nods, looking a bit calmed down. You walk behind her and undo the ropes. You walk back infront and help her up.

She tries to stand but her legs are shaking, she is still in shock from this traumatic experience. Her legs collapse.

You bend down and swoop her up into your arms. She holds onto your neck, still trembling.

"It's okay, It's okay. Let's get you home yes? The police will be here for them"

She nods.

The police arrive soon after and you hand the girl over to them. They are going to take her to the hospital to get her looked at to make sure he is okay. You walk around the place, and find a room full of people who have been reported missing.

You jaw drops.

The police get everyone taken care of, and thank you profusely, as you just crashed an illegal human trafficking opporation.


You get home and collapse on your bed, your suit already off. The opporation you just crashed took hours. You suddenly remembered how your supposed to meet up with Gabriel and you jump.

You check the time, relived when it's 5:30 still giving you enough time to get ready. Maybe throw in a short nap...

You fall asleep and wake up at 5:50. A decent 20 minute nap. You don't want to get up but you know you have too.

You dread thinking about leaving your warm, warm, comfy bed... your about to doze off again before you snap up, not letting yourself.

Maybe you should just cancel on gabe? Naw... he said it was a fancy place.. black tie. It must be hard to get a reservation.

You pull yourself out of the warm confines of your bed. You stand and head to the bathroom, taking a warm shower.

You finish and sit on the bed and get changed. You didn't have to mimic your outfit this time, since you already had one you mimicked before for a different black tie event.

It was a basic black suit, with some dark red designs, it wasn't too much, but it would do. You check the time. It's 6:30.

You slick back your hair quickly before heading out of the door. You get on your motorcycle, that you may or may not have mimicked from a regular bike... you pull up the address Gabi sent you and started heading that way.

The sun was already starting to set.

You got there fast enough, parking at looking at the place. He was right, it really was fancy. You notice he is not there yet, so you wait outside leaning on a railing, looking up, watching the darkening sky.

Your enjoying the cool breeze, and soft chatter of the other guests who haven't gone inside yet.


You hear a deep voice that definitely wasn't Gabriel's. You turn and your eyes go wide when you see Miguel. He approaches you looking confused.


You raise an eye brow. You look him up and down, and he is dressed up as well, looking just as handsome as he did at the masquerade, you almost flush but you stop yourself.

"What are you doing here?"

He asks, leaning on the railing next to you.

"Gabe told me to come here at 7:30 tonight...?"

You see shock and then annoyance flash over his face. He sighs.

"He told me the exact same thing... yet here you are and he is nowhere to be found... that little.."

Your eyes go wide as you realize. Gabe set you and Miguel up on a date, without either of you realizing it. You were flustered, but you also couldn't help but be amused by his actions.

Miguel huffs and looks up at the sky.

"So it's a date, hm?"

You ask and Miguel looks at you and sighs.

"I guess so.. I'm sorry about him. He always finds ways to snake into everything."

"No it's fine. I heard this place was nice anyways, did you just want to go together anyways..?"

Miguel Looks a bit startled at this. He seems to think and hesitantly gives a nod.

"Yeah.. sure."

He looks a bit flustered.

"So- you want it to be.. a date?"

He asks and now you realize that's what he though you meant when you offered to stay. It was your turn to be flustered.

"Ah- no I didn't- well, I guess yeah... it could be? If you wanted-"

You stumble, not really having words.

And to your surprise Miguel smiles.

"Okay. A date it is then?"

You blush, and smile up at him. Flustered.

"Yeah... yeah. A date. Okay"

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