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Some stories often come from inspiration, while others are products of depression - like this.

"There are other people who are better singers than you, other people are better actresses than you, but I chose you!"

His spiteful words rang in my ears.

It's October 25, 1998.

It's been a few months since I last saw him. It was. perhaps, the last time I would see him, too.

I was lying on my bed when I realized this sad truth. I sat up slowly from my mattress and went to my study table.

I don't know what force led me to sit in front of my laptop. I stared at the blank screen while my hands were on the keyboard.

I had to get this pain out of my system, I told myself.

I started fiddling with the two cardboard masks that lay on my bed - a dolphin mask made in blue, and sky blue with white hues, and another was a swan-shaped mask with yellow-green, yellow, and orange feathers.

I looked at these masks and smiled bitterly.

These were the remaining mementos of our friendship.

My heart began to contract and hardened, and my hands were in a position to write something on the keyboard.

I stared blankly once again at these masks.

Memories came rushing back, and thoughts and emotions of the past months came pouring through my veins and into my hands as I started writing. 

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