"Ya know, Wes, when we found out that your mom was pregnant with you, I started praying more than I probably ever had in my life."

Wesley stood listening intently as James went on. "I prayed all the regular things that I suppose new dads pray over their kids; that He would protect you and keep you and your mom safe through the delivery. I prayed you would be healthy and happy." James paused then, as if collecting his thoughts. Wesley remained silent, not wanting to interrupt.

"After you were born and as you got older, I prayed you would be strong and kind. That you would be the kid that would stick up for others, the kind that would be friends with anyone. I prayed God would use you and make you a leader, someone that others could look up to. And let me tell you something, son. God did not disappoint." Wesley looked straight at James then, but before he could say anything, James went ahead. He wasn't one for speeches, but he had to get this out. To make Wesley understand.

"I guess I really can't fault you for being exactly like I'd hoped you would be. But make no mistake, Wesley, Parris Island will be the hardest thing you've ever done. It'll push you, change you, and at some point, you will want to give up. Plain and simple. That's just how it is. But you won't. Because as you stand here, asking me if I think you can do this, I stand here, in complete assurance, knowing without a doubt that you can. And at the end of this, the next time that you're standing in front of me, you'll be a Marine. And right now, I can't even find the words to tell you how proud I am of you."

To say that Wesley beamed then would have been an understatement. He sighed in relief and the tension he had been holding on to over the last two months seemed to melt from his shoulders as he stepped up and closed the distance between him and James, who wasted no time encircling his arms around his son. They held each other tight, Wesley catching a fistful of James's coat in his hands.

"I love you, Wesley." James said quietly as he put his hand on the back of Wesley's head.

"I love you, too, dad." Wesley pulled back then and looked down at the ground. "And I'm sorry. About everything lately."

James shook his head. "It's okay. It's all gonna be okay."

Wesley nodded and James motioned towards where Ruth stood near the boys.

"I think it's your mom's turn." He said with a faint hint of a smile. "Just try to remember how hard this is for her, okay?"

"I know." Wesley said, nodding again as James squeezed his shoulder before letting him go and walking over to his wife.

They exchanged a few words Wesley couldn't hear, and he watched as James gave her a brief hug, soaking up comfort from each other, before she also came to say her goodbyes to Wesley.

Unlike James, Ruth immediately reached up and pulled her six-foot-two son into a bone-crushing hug. Wesley had to stoop down to rest his chin on her shoulder. Neither one said a word. They didn't need to. The two of them had always had such a strong bond that more often than not, entire conversations would happen between them without either of them uttering a single word.

When Ruth finally released him, her eyes were glossy and red-rimmed, but she hadn't cried. She cleared her throat and gave him a watery smile. "You know I love you?"

Wesley's eyebrows rose and practically disappeared into his bangs as he looked at her in confusion. "I know!"

"It's just that," she rushed to explain, "all this happened so fast! I knew you wanted to do something besides the farm, and you know I support you doing whatever makes you happy. I just didn't know you were thinking about leaving completely."

"Mom." Wesley tried to interrupt.

"I'm gonna miss you so much and—"

"Mom!" He said again, his voice sharper. He grinned when she stopped talking to look up at him. "It's okay." He assured her. "I'm gonna miss you too, but I have to do this. I want to do this."

A Heart's Desire - Book 1 of the Crossing Midian Series - A Christian RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now