P2. The First Steps

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"Wake up lazy bud!" A girl yells, waking me up from my beautiful slumber.

"Ugh... how the hell are you so energetic this early?" I ask her, whispering under my breath so she can't hear me. I wouldn't want her to come over here.

"It's morning, it's morning, it's morning, it's moooorning!~ I can't believe we've been at Beacon for a full twenty-four hours!" The girl grabs a guy, who is somehow sitting through all of this, and drags him off to the washrooms.

I rubbed the rest of the sleep out of my eyes and sat up. "Hey Rouge, it's time to get up." I attempt to shake him awake.

"Give me five more minutes mom, just five minutes..." He turns in his sleep.

I sigh and get up, thinking that it might be nice getting up earlier than most other people. I look around to see a handful of people doing the same thing I am, waking up either to their own means or another external, feminine, vocal reason that I can't possibly put my finger on.

As I finish up tying my sleeping bag up, I roll my eyes at the fact that I can hear the girl's voice once again.

"But it's just crazy, you know? We've been friends for soooooo long. What are the odds that we'd still be together? Well, not "together" together. Not that I'm saying you're not handsome! You are handsome, but that'd just be weird... right?" As the guy ties his own sleeping bag up, he glances in my direction. As we make eye contact, I share a look of pity and a nod as I walk away to go get myself spruced up.

As I walk into the washroom, I'm immediately greeted with the sight of a scorpion tail in the distance.

I look from the tail to the owner of the appendage to be greeted with purple eyes. "Who the hell are you lookin' at?"

"Oh, my bad. I didn't mean to stare." I turned towards a mirror that was situated in front of me and started to wash my face.

"Hey you, I think I've seen you before. On the news or somethin' like that. Are you famous?" She walked up behind me and put one hand on the counter below the mirror and the other on her hip.

"I wouldn't call myself famous. I'm not a celebrity or anything like that." I tried my hardest to remain humble.

A few more random people walk into the washroom and stare at me and the girl. The girl doesn't react to any of the looks she's getting. The looks of awe I see when people look at my wings to the look of fear I see when people look at her tail is shocking, to say the least.

"Oh wait! I think I've figured it out." She looked me up and down. "Are you an Amaranth? Or do you know them at all?"

My eyes widened. How the hell did she guess that? "How did you know?"

The girl chuckled. "Well, your white hair and pink eyes gave a lot away," I let out a small 'oh'. "And those white wings. That whole family has 'em."

I scratch my head nervously, thinking about the possibility that everyone knows who I am and who my family is. "You seem to know a lot about my family."

"I thought I only saw you guys on the news but I realized my dad actually works for your company over in Mistral." The girl smiled at me, finally making me feel as if I could somewhat drop my guard. "He told me that, uh..." She snapped her fingers in an attempt to remember something. "What's your company called?"

"ARC?" I respond, lifting my eyebrow.

"Yeah. He said that ARC was the only place that would accept him as someone with not much experience." She leaned against the counter and yawned.

Fall From Grace // RWBY x Male ReaderOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz