3. A men's job

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You slowly opened the door between the bathroom and bedroom. You hadn't heard the door open, but there was a pile of clothes on the chair next to the door. Next to the chair was a bag with pads, 2 bottles of water, painkillers and medication against the migraine. There was also a note which said "I hope these medications will help, they aren't the ones you requested but they are similar. Ring the bell if you need anything else. I instructed my men to be silent around your room." You didn't know what to think about this. The son was kind and caring. Something you weren't really familiar with. Now it felt nice but a little overwhelming.

You quickly took the medicine and drank some of the water. Then it dawned on you, he didn't bring any bedding. While you dressed in some fresh, expensive clothes and used a pad, you looked around the room. Maybe there was a blanket or something in one of the closests. Your eyes fell on the bed. There were new sheets on the bed. For seconds you just stared at the bed. He changed the bed ?!? The mafia son changed your dirty bedding. No, it couldn't be.

He probably just sent a maid or something to change the bed and bring the clothes. A man, especially a man of his calibre would never change bedding, and he would also never touch stuff you had dirtied. The thought alone that he would do housework gave you chills. Your father always taught you what a man and woman should contribute to a household. Cleaning and cooking were definitely not on the man's list.

You slowly got into bed, checked if your pad wouldn't start to leak anytime soon, and closed your eyes. You were so exhausted, like you were awake for days, while you maybe were awake for 2 hours tops. While you felt the medication started to work on your migraine and cramps you fell asleep.

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