Wasn't It Obvious?

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"Wait a sec, is that-"
Cinna pointed at a small, old hut out in the middle of the woods.

"That can't be though, Azkumi said no-one dared to live here. I mean, have you heard of the tales of Hisui, literal nightmare fuel"

"I think they made this before all those creatures were super dangerous and scary"

Cinna grabbed my wrist, wanting to go see
"Come on, Levi! We gotta see whats inside!"

Normally I would pass on this because of my instincts, but I was pretty interested myself. We walked to the hut and checked inside. It had a bedroom, bathroom, kitchen, and living area, basically everything a person would need.

"This is pretty creepy not gonna lie"

"Yeah, the furniture and stuff are super old too, must be from while ago"

While I was checking out the kitchen for obvious reasons, Cinna went to the bedroom.
"Aww yeah, A bed! And it's so comfy too! And- wait a kunai pack? But where's the kunai?"

Then I realized we weren't alone in here
"Wait, Cinna we gotta go"

"What! But we just-"

"Now! Come on before it's too-"

The last thing I remember is falling to the ground and everything going black. Then I woke up to the fireplace lit up, and me and Cinna all tied up with strong vines to a hanging log.

"What the hell? Hey! Get us out!"

"Hey Cinna wake up!" I whispered

"Huh? What? I'm... Upside down? Levi, what's going on"

Then a boy kind of younger than us, step out of the bedroom making a little dramatic entrance.
"You guys aren't threats I assume?" the boy asked

"Wait what? No! We just went to check this hut out. We don't wanna kill anyone. We swear by it!" I replied

"Yeah, what she said!" Cinna added

He looked unsure whether to let us go or  not.
"Alright here, and grab yourself chairs so we can talk"

He cut the vines off of us and both me and Cinna grabbed two of the kitchen chairs for us.

"Okay, now what the hell are you guys doing here. No-one comes to this part of the forest"

"We're just going to a section of Hisui to hunt for food" I replied

"And do you have anything we could eat, we've been sooooo hungry it's unreal!" Cinna asked

"Sucks for you two, I just ate my dinner for the night. Anyway you probably have a lot of questions right now"

"Yeah, why we're you so aggressive? A bit of trespassing wasn't that big of a deal right?"

"A "bit of trespassing" is why my brother is dead, he was stabbed when other ninja stole his belongings. I've been having trust issues because people tend to become savage in situations this dire"

I started to feel a little guilty for him, anyone would act like this if the same thing happened to them.
"Im sorry for your-

"No don't be, but make sure to be careful. Anything can happen and everything can kill you"

"We will, fellow shinobi!" Cinna ensured
as we prepare to leave

"Hmph, hopfully we'll see each other after all of this is over" he said

"Yeah... Hopefully"

We both left "his" hut and went towards the Caehund habitat. Little did we know that it would test us in ways we didn't know possible.

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