"Why didn't you phone me? You know I would have paid."

Demi leans forward and whispers the cost of the wedding in her ear. "Ok, I would have paid half...a quarter. I am your sister Demi. You should have come to me."

"You never answer my calls," Demi says softly. All of Lux's anger deflates and seeps out of her body. She and Demi had been close once but then Austin happened and Lux become a bitch. She pushed Demi away. Their mother had told Demi that as soon as Lux grows up a little she will turn back into a human, but then she got focused on her career and then New York - somewhere in all that she had stopped answering Demi's texts and then started screening her calls. Now she is 29 and Demi is 25. Demi never stopped trying though. Lux tries to blink back her tears, but she is too late and Demi's eyes go wide as she watches a tear slip down Lux's face. Fuck, she cries so easily lately.


"Wait. Let me get this out while you have softened. I don't know how long I have. I love you. I love you so much Lux and I know you are guarded and tough as shit, I know you don't need hugs and kisses as I do and I know you think all this is stupid. But, I had one wish and one wish only for this wedding and that was you being by my side because this is the happiest time of my life and I love Shawn so much but I knew I could never be fully happy without you there on my wedding day. Because I just love you so much. Like I love you a whole bunch. Hailey has a big sister and so does Jess, they go shopping together and do their hair and nails and I feel sad sometimes that we don't do that but I know if anyone ever hurt me that you would jump on a plane, fly to LA and kill them. You will always have my back. You are my favorite person and I love you...so much."

Lux reaches out, pulling Demi into a hug. Demi squeaks in surprise but wastes no time wrapping her arms around Lux and squeezing her tight. "I am sorry Demi. I have not been a good sister to you. I promise things will change...I will be nicer and..." Lux whispers. "This may sound crazy...but I love you just the way you are...I just want you to pick up when I call, come for Christmas, and maybe suffer through a BBQ or two," Demi whispers. "Ok...and I will hug your children, but bath them first," Lux says. Demi lets out a watery laugh and agrees.

They walk back to the yoga and Demi slips into a worried-looking Shawn's arms while Lix goes to the back of the group and stands next to Austin. They get into the first pose and then the second, and then her arms shake again in the third pose as she tries to hold Austin's heavy body up. She is dreading the fourth position and by the way Austin is avoiding eye contact with her, she knows he is too. "Ok, same as yesterday. Stand facing your partner, say something nice, and embrace till I tell you to let go," the instructor says. "You first," Lux whispers. "Realness," Austin whispers, he is not looking at her but rather at the open space between them. Lux frowns. "You...when I met you I had nothing. I could only offer you myself and my pipe dream - you didn't blink...you took me as I was, no expectations. Over the years, the more successful I have become the less real the woman I meet are..." Austin whispers. Lux stares at him. She had not known Auatin would ever make anything of himself and for a while there it looked like he never would, but that had never mattered to her. She would have made him a kept man if his bar dreams had failed when her career had flourished.

He takes a step forward and lifts his head slowly, biting his lip. "Gentle hands. You are massive...your hands are big. You could hurt people with just one swing. You could be controlling and violent but you choose to be gentle, delicate even, with how you touch people weaker than you. You would never take advantage of your natural strength," Lux says then takes a step forward, pressing up against Austin's front. She rolls onto her toes and lifts her arms. When Austin bends she wraps her arms around his neck as he wraps his arms around her waist gently then stands, lifting her feet off the ground. She rests her cheek on his shoulder, looking down the beach as they both seem to get a little lost in the tender moment. He always used to hug her like this and for the first time in years, she lets herself remember how much she missed the way it made her feel. Warm and safe.

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