𝐶𝑙𝑜𝑢𝑑 12

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as they walked deeper into the house they decided to split up, tanjiro and inosuke, muichiro and y/n.

tanjiro and inosuke found a demon who's eyes had lower moon five imprinted on them. they fought the demon and held up as best as they could. meanwhile muichiro and y/n had found the father spider who kept shouting stay away from my family.

"Y/n! Look out!"

muichiro warned y/n, she looked at him for a split second before getting bashed into the wall. she was unconscious now and muichiro cleanly slice the demons head off soon afterwards.

"Y/n, are you ok? Not hurt?"

his voice was worried and full of fear, meanwhile tanjiro had cuts all over his body while fighting lower moon five. inosuke fighting off the sister spider easily cutting her head off.

after a few minutes y/n woke up, muichiro held her as he slowly helped her back onto her feet.

"Are you hurt?"

y/n shook her head and smiled at him, she tried to smile back at her but it was weak and low.

"I'm fine, don't worry. But we should go find Tanjiro and Inosuke. Besides Zenitsu is probably scared and waiting for us."

muichiro nodded as he fully smiled at y/n now taking her hand as they ran through the house trying to find inosuke and tanjiro.


later they did and tanjiro had loads of cuts all around him, so did inosuke deep on his arms and stomach.

y/n soon saw the kakudhi to clean up the aftermath of the battle, they took zenitsu, inosuke, and tanjiro to the butterfly mansion for treating. they went back to the butterfly mansion along with the kakushi.

as they went inside the estate aoi already had the boys in patients wear and in bed, they were all asleep in their beds. muichiro and y/n went to aoi to see how they were doing.

"Their ok right?"

y/n asked, aoi crossed her arms and had that same stern look on her face, muichiro looked his pinky with y/n's as she licked hers.

"Yeah they will be fine don't worry."

muichiro nodded and y/n sighed. soon they left the mansion and went onto the road again.

"Where are we going Y/n?"

muichiro asked as y/n held his hand as they ran on the road.

"We're going to the sword-smith village. I think we deserve a break. They have a hot spring we can relax in."

muichiro's cheeks turned red as he thought of y/n in the hot spring. he nodded his head and let her lead the way.

"I thought no one knew where it was though?"

"I'm one of the few, and you'll be too."

muichiro nodded as they continued running.


- Please excuse any grammar or spelling mistakes, thank you!

Counting Clouds - Muichiro x FemWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu