Is this body really mine?♥️

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Tw: gender dysphoria, derealization?, body dysmorphia, death.

"Is this body really mine?" Asked the boy to the masked figure, it's body coated in thick black slime, blood dripped from its face and its jaw unhinged to reveal thousands of dagger like teeth, "whatever do you mean child" it asked, it's voice sounding like it had just been stuck in a meat grinder. "This body you have, is indeed yours." It continued, obviously offended by what the boy had just said "it's just-" the boy shouted out pissed off "it doesn't feel right!" The tall slimy being began to stretch upwards the slime coating the ground as the boy was stuck. The being crawled all the way to the boy's face, his teeth glistened with blood as it opened its mouth near his face, "if this body really isn't right? Then let's fix it shall we?" And swallowed the boy up whole.

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