western energy s2 ep4

Start from the beginning

Stolas: Oh, ha, ha. Well, I do agree that is very important...But, I-

Striker: Would you shut up already? I can hear you, by the way.

[Striker swipes Stolas's cell phone with his tail.]

Striker: Don't worry about your lanky birdy...he's in good hands. *crushes the phone and laughs*

Stolas: Oh, shit. Am I in danger right now?

Blitzo: Gaaagh, damn it!

[Blitzo breaks his phone in his hand. He moves the clutch forward and the can speeds down the highway.]

Millie: Sir, let us handle this one.

Blitzo: Okay, are you sure you guys got this alone?

Moxxie: We can do it, sir. Together, we are a lethal combo. And we all have a score to settle with that dickhead.

[Millie places a cowboy hat onto Moxxie's head.]

Blitzo: Alright. Well, hurry. Stolas sounds like he might be in real shit this time.

[Blitzo pulls up to the tall  main building.]

Blitzo: And knowing THAT guy's aesthetic, my money's that he's in .

[Blitzo drops the car keys into Moxxie's hand, as Blitzo pulls Loona out of the van and carries her over his head.]

Blitzo: Now, get your asses down there and look for some cowboy crap or something.

[Moxxie drives the van away.]

Blitzo: Come on, Loonie. Come on, this will be over lickety-split, alright?

[Blitzo pushes the door open and drags Loona inside by her tail. Loona scratches at the floor, hesitant to go in.]

Blitzo: Christ on a stick! Of all the days for him to get his stupid feathered-ass kidnapped...I have waited five fucking years for this appointment! FUCK ME IN MY LITLE RED HOLE!

[Blitzo glances over to a demon mother glaring at him. Her son is next to her on a leash.]

Blitzo: Hi. The fuck you looking at?

[Blitzo walks up to the desk toward a Baphomet nurse.]

Blitzo: Heya, toots. I'm here for that S.H.O.T. for my Loonie Toonie. *laughs*

[Loona growls from behind. A nearby poster shows a hound with a needle in its back that reads "Get yours today or else!"]

Muffy: (confused) The what?

Blitzo: Urgh. *grabs clipboard* The B.U.L.L shit that my daughter has to get every year that you M.O.T.H.E.R. FUCKERS only allow us to schedule every five years. How the fuck you fuck up that bad, anyway, titty-haver?

[Blitzo writes down his name on the clipboard's paper.]

Muffy: Oh, I can't spell.

[Blitzo pushes the clipboard to her.]

Muffy: I can't read, either.

Blitzo: The fucking Hellbies shot you fucking re-allly can't say that word anymore. The appointment is under Blitz.

[Muffy flips through a notebook full of appointments.]

Muffy: Uhhhm... I don't see any Blitz on the list.

Moxxie and Millie's daughter Where stories live. Discover now