HCD Movie Promo #1 (A Mini Short)

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It takes place at the movie theaters

4: Alright I got our snackies!! Gummies for MePhone. A giant cookie for Controlly. Chicken nuggets for Gamey. And a big fat mini cake for me.

*He hands them all the snacks. He gave all of them the wrong ones.*

MePhone4: Here's the gummies Gamey.

Controlly: Cookie is all yours MePhone.

Gamey: Here's your chicken nuggets Controlly.

Oodle: Ok where to sit...... What do you think Computer...... Computer?

*Notices he was sitting next to MePhone.*

Oodle: Of course you are.

Paint Palette: Did anyone buy water by any chance. They put too much salt in my popcorn.

Chocolate Bar: Who buys water at a movie theater??

Gold Ingot: Anyone want oreos? Or does anyone want can sodas?

Crayon Box: Where did you even get those? The movie theater doesn't sell that stuff.

Gold Ingot: Hey there's no way I'm paying for snacks that are more expensive here. So I bought snacks at the gas station to make sure I don't spend much. And these are probably better than the snacks here.

Burger King: Why try to save money when you can make money. Here you go ma'am. A burger with extra cheese. That'll be 10 dollars!

Oodle: You're not seriously going to be selling food here?

Burger King: Hey I make big money this way!

Computer: Hey BK do you have any cookies I can buy for my cookie!?

MePhone4: I seriously doubt-

Burger King: Got them. That'll be 5 dollars.

MePhone4: 5 dollars for a cookie!!? Computer I really don't think-

Computer: Here you go muffin.

MePhone4: Computer I'm not-

Computer: Please (Puppy dog eyes)

MePhone4: Fine.

Airy: Guys shush. The movie is about to start.

*The room darkens. Then the screen turned on. That's when.*

MePhone4: Hey!!

Everyone: Woah!

Computer: Muffin its you!! On the big screen!!

MePhone4: How!?

Controlly: Dude Look! All Of Us Are On The Big Screen!!

*Preview version.*

MePhone4: We're so glad to see you guys again.

4: After 3 seasons of us being us, it's now time for us to have a movie!!

Controlly: A movie starring all of us and some other campers!

Gamey: The movie will be called Host Camping Daze The Movie: Lost In The Woods

Paint Palette: It's full of comedy.

Crayon Box: And also so much suspense!

Oodle: And it will be playing in theaters all over the world!

Computer: It's also going to be releasing  this summer on August 1st 2023. That's in 4 weeks from now guys!

Chocolate Bar: And it will be rated PG 13

Gold Ingot: It would be rated G if it wasn't for BKs SWEARING!!

Burger King: Hey it wouldn't be right if I fucking swear a little.

Airy: Get your tickets now. It's gonna be a bumpy one.

Host Camping Daze The Movie: Lost In The Woods
Coming August 1st 2023

*Soda spills.*

Crayon Box: Gold Ingot!

Gold Ingot: Sorry!!

What to expect from movie
More on MePhone's past

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