Back in School

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The start of September. Which means the start of school. I suffered 3 years in hell, now one more year till I'm free.

I walked through the school hallways, navigating myself to my locker. I stopped at locker A29, right next to the boys locker room. I dread going to my locker, the smell is horrible. It smells like twenty dead bodies and five cows shitting on it..and I'm not over exaggerating.

The worst part was I had to hear everything the boys were saying.

"Kiara was so good in bed yesterday."

"Yo let me get a turn!"

It was disgusting how they talk about girls. I discussed this with the principal, but he said the last available locker was next to Jordan Parks. He keeps live animals in his locker so I had no other choice but to stay with my current one.

Luckily, 2 lockers to the right, is my best friend Michaela's locker. I met her Freshman year, history class. She's the girl who guys adore. Dirty blonde hair, emerald eyes, basically a goddess. You expect her to be those mean girls, but she's the only one who stuck by my side when I was getting bullied.

I opened my locker and took any books I needed for my next class. I closed my locker and saw Michaela standing by her locker. I made my way over and tapped on her shoulder.

"What do you want." she said annoyed while turning around. 

When she turned fully around, she saw me and her face quickly filled up with excitement.

"Liz! I missed you so much. I'm so excited for senior year! Homecoming, parties, and prom!" She exclaimed.

"Yeah well, I'm not. I'm ready to leave this dump." I said. I was never a fan of parties or school ceremonies. In my 3 years of high school I've only been to one party, Michaela's birthday.

"Whatever Liz, even if you don't want to go, I'm going to drag your ass over there." Michaela stated.

I gave her a death stare and my eyes were soon covered by a pair of large hands. My instincts came in and I elbowed the creep in their stomach. They let out a groan and I turned to look at them. My eyes widened in shock and helped him get up.

"Andrew! What's wrong with you!"

Andrew looked up at me and smiled. His brown hair grew over the summer and his eyes, still blue like the sky. He must've been going to the gym because his arms have more muscle than last year.

He's been friends with me since birth. Our moms went to high school together, and decided to also get pregnant at the same time. He's been with me through ups and downs. Like when my dad passed away. He was there for me no matter what was going on in his life.

"Geez Liz, if you wanted me to go away you could've just asked." He placed his hand over his heart, giving me a sad look.

"Andrew, I didn't know you started working out." Michaela said from behind.

"Yeah well, who knows. I'll probably be the toughest guy in the grade now." He replied.

"You wish." I spoke.

"So Michaela, how are you and Mike?" Andrew mentioned.

I looked over at Michaela. Her smile instantly turned to a frown.

"We broke up 2 weeks into summer break. He said he needs to 'Find his inner peace' like what the hell does that mean?" She answered.

I looked back at Andrew and noticed him trying to hide his smile. I knew he liked Michaela ever since Freshman year. He always asked about her and I can tell when he likes someone because we literally grew up together. I haven't asked him about it yet, maybe I will this year.

We started discussing about our summer break, but loud talking behind me distracted us. Behind me were the stars of the school.

Cliche right?

Shawn Alvarez. He pushed his blonde hair back as he walked, smiling flirtatiously at the girls. He was always the troublemaker of the grade. There wasn't one day he would go without disturbing the teachers. We only talked once, and that was for a project, of course I had to do all the work.

Tristan Perez, his eyes were one feature that girls loved. His eyes were so dark, I could never look away and I hated myself for that. The most weird part was, I had never seen him with a girl before. Which was strange because he was absolutely gorgeous. But I've never interacted with him before, and I hope it stays that way.

And then we have Zayn Anderson. We always need a main person in a group, and that was him. Girls wanted to be with him and guys wanted to be him. I never knew what was so special about this guy. Confidently walking through the hallway, I expected him to start flirting with every girl in his way, but his eyes were fixated

I narrowed my eyebrows and gave him a dirty look. Why was he staring at me like that, did I have something on my face? I turned to talk to Andrew but he was already chatting with Michaela.


I felt a presence in the back of me so I turned around. At the sight my eyes widened and my throat became dry.

Why the hell was Zayn Anderson in front of me?

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