Rang watched her, the uncertainty coursing through her veins and making her scent a little sour to him. He placed his hand gently over hers, giving a small squeeze before speaking. "The truth is that once we realized you had no idea about your wolf self I wanted to find out who you were first. I didn't know how you were going to react or if you would accept the truth." He used his free hand to tuck a lock of hair behind her ear. "When we first found you, you were so frightened and nervous. I wanted to do this carefully, ease you into it all."

Eun-ji nodded her head. "I understand. It's a lot to accept. I know a few days ago I told you I had a memory come to me, but it's been more than that. I've had bouts of memories. They're all memories of my wolf self. I can clearly remember some while others are hazy and I don't get to see the whole picture. If I told you about them then maybe we could have figured them out together. But I also thought you were human and I didn't know if you would think I was crazy." She turned over her hand and laced her fingers with his.

"I've seen things recently that lead me to believe I can unlock all of my memories. It could also potentially unlock some for other people, people who should remember me - like Yeon. He appeared in a few memories."

Rang felt his heart jump at the confession she just dropped on him. "You knew Yeon before?"

"Apparently, I knew him when he was the Mountain God. The memories are fuzzy, extremely fuzzy. But he's there and I'm there and we talk in these memories. I had one when we were locked away in our minds. I don't remember much of it though, just that we were on top of the mountain and I was upset with him. "

Rang's head was spinning. If Eun-ji knew Yeon as the Mountain God, then could it be possible he knew her too? He was more invested in her past now than ever so. "What can I do to help?"

"From what I saw in my memories is that there is an oblivion box at Kyong's place."

Rang stiffened as he gripped her hand tighter. That bastard definitely knew more than he led on.

Eun-ji's thumb rubbed over the back of Rang's hand. "The Wolf Spirit is the one who gave it to his family so many years ago. I think my memories are locked inside."

"We can go get them if you want." Rang started to sit up but a hand on his chest pushed him back down gently. He was confused, staring at the hand on his torso and then over to the female it belonged to. "Do you not want to go?"

The wolf shook her head. " I do, but not right now. You're my first priority. I want you to be better first." She smiled at him.

"Are you sure? These are your memories that we could be talking about."

"I'm sure."

They stayed in silence for a moment before the fox spoke again. "I apologize for not telling you. I thought I was going about this the right way. You must have been confused."

"Rang, seriously, it's fine. Please don't worry about it. I really just wanted to know why you didn't say anything. I guess at first you tried to when you greeted me as 'Wolf'. The only thing I want now is to get to know the real you, there shouldn't be anymore reasons for secrets. The people in my life are more connected than I realized and I just want to put the story straight. Like Yeon being your brother."

"Half - brother." Rang corrected her.

"Still - I'm surprised that it didn't come up sooner. Though, you don't normally get along with him - do you?" She didn't wait for an answer. "I now understand all of your secrets of the work you were dealing with. Thank you for trying to keep me safe and out of the loop of your business."

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