Chapter 31 I can protect him

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Fanxing froze on the spot, her big eyes staring in confusion, as if she didn't understand what

Zou Xueqi said.

When will Ah Qi send him away? Is A Qi going to send him away?

Why? Did he make A Qi angry because of his misbehavior?

In the future, he will not steal desserts behind Ah Qi's back anymore, and he will not go to bed

after telling stories to Ah Qi at night.

He will be obedient in the future, he will listen to whatever A Qi says. Fu Lingi noticed the change in Fanxing's mood, pulled her over and stuffed her into the


'Stay in there obediently, I'll tell you to come out again

Fanxing's eyes were filled with tears, she opened her eyes and refused to blink, and when she heard that Fu Lingi was not going to send him away, she bit her lip and nodded.

"1. I'll wait for you."

Zou Xueqi, who watched all this, snorted coldly, sat down on the sofa again, and waited for Fu

Lingi to give her a reasonable explanation.

"Mom, what are you doing today?"

On the way back from the company, Fu Lingi kept thinking whether Fanxing would be kicked out of the house directly by his mother. When I entered the door, I saw Fan Xing sitting on the sofa with red eyes, completely lost his usual vivacity and liveliness, and my heart ached

"What are you doing?" Zou Xueqi looked at her son who was already a successful career,

feeling relieved and bitter at the same time.

"If I don't come again, you two will get a marriage certificate behind my back!"

She has always claimed that she is not a feudal superstitious parent, she respects all her decisions, as long as it is good for him.


She would also like her son to have a relationship of her own outside, but that doesn't mean

she doesn't reject her upcoming foolish wife Fu Lingi's family is not a wealthy family, but it's not a simple family with a small salary. It always

takes a bit of face to go out

What's more, she needs a daughter-in-law who can take care of Fu Lingi, not a daughter-in-law

who still needs Fu Linqi to take care of

"If you're just playing with him, Mom has nothing to say. But if you want to live with him for the

rest of your life, it's not that easy for me."

She could see the concern in Fu Lingi's eyes when he entered the door just now, and she only

felt hatred in her heart.

"Mom, Fanxing and

'Let's not talk about whether he will bring you any trouble. He can't help your career in any way

just because of the company's affairs. Zou Xueqi was also a manager in the company. Withdrew

from the superior.

She knows the hard work of running a company and how important a good partner is to a


'If something goes wrong with your company, you have to take care of that idiot as well as

yourself, you!

'I can protect him!"

Fu Linqi answered firmly, with a serious expression as if he had made a lifetime promise

Zou Xueqi was stunned, looking at Fu Lingi as if seeing his father when he was young through


At that time, he also promised himself in the same way

I could only shake my head and sigh, annoyed that my son and my husband are also stubborn


"If you like it, you can like it. It's just that I look at him like that. I'm afraid I don't know what it is to like to get married. I just regard you as a harbor that I can rely on

Zou Xueqi's words were not unreasonable, and it was exactly what Fu Lingi was worried about.

Fan Xing was very vague about his feelings. He can only tell who is good to him and who is not

good to him.

I'm afraid that if it was someone else who picked him up that day. I'm afraid he would regard that person as his only support if he was given some sweetness.

There will be a way to let him know what is liked between lovers, Fu Lingi thought.

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