Chapter 5 This will be your home from now on

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Fan Xing struggled to wake up

before dawn, saw the decorations in

the room and was stunned for several

seconds before realizing that he was already in a place that he didn't know what it was.

After a while, his big eyes were

filled with tears. He lifted the quilt on

his body and got out of bed. The soft

carpet under his feet made him take

every step carefully.

Standing behind the door, before

he could figure out how to open it, the

door was opened from the outside.

Fan Xing took a step back in shock,

and looked up into a pair of smiling

eyes. The uneasiness in his heart disappeared inexplicably, Fanxing swallowed and looked at the bread and porridge in the hands of the person in front of him. "Would you like to sit down and finish your breakfast first?

Fu Linqi put the porridge and bread on the small table next to the bed, raised his eyebrows and looked at Fan

Xing who was still standing by the door

in a daze, thinking his tearful eyes were

really pretty.

"No...don't." Fan Xing shook his

head even though his stomach was

already howling with hunger, "Mom said

you shouldn't eat food from strangers."

Fu Linqi couldn't help but waved

his hands helplessly, walked up to Fan

Xing again, and looked at him carefully.

Last night, I only found out that

this person's skin was too good, and

the person who woke up looked even

better. There was still a little fear and

doubt in the watery eyes, and the small

cherry mouth was a little white due to

illness, and the corners of the lips

naturally rose, making the already good

face even more beautiful.

But... After communicating with

Fanxing for a while, Fu Linqi realized that something was wrong with the

person in front of him.

No matter how you look at it, you should be an adult, but no matter how you look at it, you are not more than 10 years old.

Fu Lingi thought of his 7-year-old niece, who was now clever enough not to suffer any more losses. And the person in front of him... seemed to have the appearance of an adult, and

his mind didn't seem to be as high as

his little niece.

"What's your name? Do you know

why you're here?" Fu Linqi frowned,

looking at Fan Xing's scarred arm

exposed in the air, he didn't dare to reach out to touch him.

" name is Fanxing,

this place?" Fanxing obviously hasn't spoken so many words to strangers, and after answering this sentence, her

cheeks flushed from nervousness.

"The stars..." Fu Linqi recalled the

information that he asked people to

investigate last night. His father was a

gambler and often had domestic

violence, and his mother had

disappeared. He couldn't help feeling

sorry for this person. The injuries on his arms and body should be caused by his father, and he would be lying on the side of the road in

the middle of the night. I'm afraid it was

the ineffective father who threw him

away because he couldn't afford to support the child. Thinking of this, Fu Linqi couldn't

help smiling even more gently, wishing he could hold Fan Xing tightly in his arms to comfort him. "Your father said he had something

to do, so he left you to me and let me

take good care of you." Fu Linqi

stretched out his hand, palm up, and placed it in front of Fan Xing, "You will live at my house first, what's the matter Can you all find me?"

Fu Lingi released his pheromone

intentionally, and the faint smell of sea salt made Fanxing feel less nervous. Looking at the hand that was placed in front of him, he carefully took his hand

with some uncertainty.

As soon as Fu Lingi closed his big hand, he completely wrapped Fanxing's hand in his own. Feeling the coldness in the palm of his hand, he raised his

other hand soothingly and rubbed the

top of Fan Xing's hair.

"My name is Fu Lingi, and this will be your home from now on."

Fanxing [ABO]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora