The circus s2 ep1

Start from the beginning

Stolas (Young): *happily confident* I will do my best, Father!

Paimon: *leans toward Stolas* Wonderful! *speaks fast* Also, son, you are destined to sire *pulls a picture of a young Stella from his cloak* a precautionary addition to the Goetia family. So, you are now engaged. *shows Stolas the picture* Congratulations. Isn't she charming?

[Cuts to a close-up of Paimon's picture. It shows a young Stella angrily strangling a dog-like creature with a bow in a strand of its hair and tears falling from its eye. A second creature just like it wearing a collar with the same bow lies on the ground, tears flowing as Stella has one foot planted on its head, likely having already been assaulted by her. Stella herself looks similar to her adult appearance, but of course much younger and has her hair tied up in pigtails.]

[Stolas begins crying and turns away from the picture in fear.]

Paimon: Ohhh! That's an ugly noise, son. Here, *pats Stolas on the head* how about you cease this bitch crying?

[Stolas starts crying harder.]

Paimon: Hm, that usually works. Oh, would you like it if I took you to the circus in town? Children enjoy the circus, right? *pats Stolas on he head again* Would that distract you enough from your non-negotiable future marriage?

[Stolas does not respond. A tear rolls down his cheek and drips off.]

[Cuts to a sad Stolas and Mister Butler standing at the top of the stairs into a circus tent. Paimon is not physically present, but instead is shown on the glass of a mirror the butler is holding up. Various Imps are seen filling the bleachers. Circus music plays in the background.]

Paimon: *looks around, then whispers to butler* Is there a spot that's close to the front, but also far enough that I don't have to-- *sniffs and gags* Ugh-- smell the poor?

[Quick pan to Stolas, the butler, and Paimon in the mirror in an otherwise empty bleacher labeled with a crude cloth sign reading "GOETIA" in dripping black paint.]

[Cuts to a dark arena as spotlights instantly light up, revealing various circus Imps as they begin performing. Two Imps in clown attire juggle, two more in the background perform spinning front flips into the foreground, and a female Imp does a handstand on a demonic horse as it gallops by the Goetia section of the bleachers.]

[Paimon chuckles and claps from within the mirror.]

[Scene pans via the stilt-supported legs of an Imp to two clown Imps juggling while on stilts. A female Imp is seen walking and twirling on a tightrope in the background, holding a yellow umbrella as she does.]

[Cuts back to the Goetia section, Paimon still chuckling and clapping within the mirror. Little Stolas, very clearly Not Having A Good Time Of It, halfheartedly flicks away a peanut that lands on his Grimoire.]

[Cuts to an Imp breathing fire. The camera pans out and down to reveal the fire-breathing Imp atop an inverted Imp pyramid supported by a wooden stand. Two more Imps in the background leap through hoops held by two Imps in the inverted pyramid, land on their hands, then jump to their feet as the crowd cheers.]

[A throwing knife flies in from the left and forcefully pans the camera to the right. The knife sticks itself into a wooden board, right next to the hip of a female Imp shown to be tied to said board. The camera pans out to show the knife throwing Imp as the crowd cheers. The Goetia section of the bleachers can be seen in the background.]

[Cuts back to Stolas, now dejectedly slamming his forehead into his grimoire as the ring leader of the circus begins speaking.]

Cash Buckzo: Now, everyone's favorite thing about circus shit: the motherfuckin' clowns!

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