Where I come from

Start from the beginning

"What are you saying, geezer?" the young brat butted in.

Commander Havok's gaze intensified with anger and dislike, putting the kid into his place.

"That everyone standing in this very room took this test and mastered it except for the man standing in front of you. You're celebrating a small victory like you won a war, but in reality, you haven't even won the damn battle. So, get your ass over there and start treating those with respect who earned it. Because even I could do that little task over there with a normal gun instead of a rifle, like you did."

"Why don't you put some meaning behind your words, geezer!" the young brat taunted.

Commander Havok had enough of him and decided to teach that brat the lesson he needed.

"First, I'm going to take the test with just a gun, and second, I'm going to spar with you. If I win you're going to shut the fuck up and listen to what you're told, otherwise you won't ever find another profession in this galaxy. If you win, you will get my title."

The little brat seemed to be up for the challenge and accepted. Next the Commander got his gun and placed himself at the beginning of the course. Suddenly the spectator's room was filled with initiates wanting to watch what is going to happen.

After a last check up on his gun, Commander Havok gave the instructor the signal to start, and the test began. The moment the door opened he placed his left arm on his back and aimed for the enemies' heads. Taking for droids in one go the Commander marched forward, without a second of hesitation. Suddenly a droid appeared on each of his sides. The one on his left kept moving towards him, while the other one stayed behind cover. Easily dodging a shot from the left, Commander Havok shot the droid and walked around the cover to take out the other one.

Next were a team of five slowly approaching him from up front, his left and his right wing. Forcing the Commander to get behind cover. The brat smiled, as he thought that the Commander was finished, with five droids coming towards him and he had only one arm and a small handgun. But Commander Havok was as calm as he could be, with his back against the wall. He hid behind the cover and waited for the droids to reach to him, the instant the first gun reached behind his cover on the right he started acting, not sooner or later. The Commander kicked the droid's weapon away and shot it's head and the one following right after. In the corner of his eye, Commander Havok saw the next coming from the right. A single precise shot was enough to graze the head of the first and bring the second to the ground and in a roundhouse motion the Commander kicked the head off the first one, leaving only one remaining. Without even looking, he directed his gun upwards and pulled the trigger, killing the last of the ambushing droids.

The spectators in the room were in awe as they watched Commander Havok effortlessly manoeuvre through the obstacle parkour, taking down enemies with precise shots and impressive hand-to-hand combat skills. His movements were fluid and calculated, his focus unwavering.

As the last of the droids fell to the ground, the room erupted in applause and cheers from the initiates who had witnessed the display of skill and determination. Even the young brat who had taunted the Commander stood there, his mouth agape, realizing the vast difference between his own abilities and the true expertise of Commander Havok.

Commander Havok holstered his gun and turned towards the young initiate with a stern expression. The room fell silent, awaiting the outcome of their wager. The brat's cocky demeanour had vanished, replaced by a mix of fear and respect.

"My title... remains with me," Commander Havok said, his voice calm but filled with authority. "But from this moment on, you will address me as 'Commander' and show respect to all your superiors. You have witnessed the dedication and skill required to serve in our ranks. It is not a title to be taken lightly."

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