☁️ Sparks (July 4th special) ☁️

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(Kyo Kaneko x reader)

There's a game couples play. I saw Aia and Scarle play it the other day. Vox asked Ike to play last week, and Ren and Aster tried it just yesterday..
It's a game where you can truly tell what the person you love thinks of you.
It's a game that often makes more relationships than it breaks.
It's a game that millions of people have tried here..
So how do you play? It's very simple.
You kiss someone and the both of you say the first thing that comes to mind.
You assume that word is what they felt about the kiss...

I've wanted to play this game for a long time.
So why haven't I? Because it's never been the right time.
Trust me.
I can't just go up to him and kiss him. Nor can I expect him to know what I'm trying to do. Besides...how would I know that he even wants to play the game with me?
"Heyy! Y/n!!" There goes Ren with his fuckboy laugh, and strolling right beside him towards me is just the person I wanted to see.
His blue hair bounced with every step he took.
Every time I saw him my vision hued pink.

"Hi Kyo! Hey guys!" I waved at the group of six. Maria came up to hug me, baring one of the cutest smiles. After I return the hug, smiling  back, I evert my attention back to the group. Kyo watched me with upturned eyebrows and a sweet smile.

"So as I was saying,there's a firework show later today!" Aster chirped with a grin from ear to ear.
Y'know, Aster was cute but sometimes he scared me. "Are you guys coming?"

I looked at Aster, stars polluting my eyes.
This could be my chance to play that game with Kyo!
I hear Ren, Maria, scarle and Aia agree excitedly.  Then all eyes were on Kyo.

"Ehh I don't know. Isn't that across the bridge? The one that make love under and shit?"

Scarle chimes in, interrupting Kyo.

"Yeah Kyo, it's supposed to be a romantic event!"

"Nah. Not my thing. Besides, who would I even go with?"
Kyo rolls his eyes.

"I'll go with you!" I speak up, looking into his eyes nervously.

"What? I mean sure, I guess.." He looks away from my gaze disappointing me a little but I was still excited.

The group continued on with me trailing along until it was time to go home.

I've never stressed about what I was going to wear so much. Did I even have anything nice to wear? I was sure that everyone else would look stunning. I didn't wanna look basic or underdressed but I didn't have anything to wear. Feeling defeated I told my mother about the show and how I had nothing to wear.

She chuckled at me and showed me to her closet.
There I saw a black shimmery dress/suit with a pink bow tied on it's back/collar. My mother was a bit shorter than me so the dress/suit came a bit short but other than that it was perfect!

I paired it with long black socks that kept my legs warm, and white shoes.
I thanked my mother and turned down her offer to drive me as headed out to the bridge where the group of friends would be waiting.

Finally greeting them, my eyes land on Kyo who didn't do much to change his look. And he was the only one. He took of his jacket on hoodie but still wears his button up shirt and colorful sneakers.

My eyes were locked on him, though I didn't have much to say but I really couldn't help it. He was amazing and something was different about this time. This time I would be even closer to him. Closer than I had ever been.
I could of died from excitement and anxiety all at once!
Snapping me back to life was the feeling of Kyo's hand in mine.
His hand was rough around the nuckles but his palms were soft. "You were staring at me like a weirdo. You good?"
He asked, half concerned. His eyes wandered away into the pond, Eyes catching glimpse of another couple under the bridge playing the very game I wanted to play with him.

The music got louder as we made our way over the bridge. After another mile we were met with the park full of booths and games and people.

We played one the same team and against each other a few times before the group parted. Maria going with Ike who we met on the way.
Aia and Scarle sneaking off and Aster and Ren walking off hand in hand.

I was left with Kyo who seemed to be thinking intensely about something. Kyo looked at the food booths, maybe he was hungry.

"Kyo, are you hungry? I have money! I could get you something!" I happily explained.

"Hm? Oh yeah, you don't have to pay. I brought money too."

I was a little disappointed that I couldn't spoil Kyo myself but I didn't say anything about it. We made our way over to the corn dog booth. He got a potato and cheese corn dog.
While I got a beef and cheese one, they were delicious! We ate them and it surprisingly filled us up a lot. When we finished it was nearly dark outside and it was almost time for the firework show. I decided to go for it.

"Kyo, I want..to-" I stutterd out.
Kyo looks at me, waiting for the rest of my sentence.

I panic and looked around for help.

"-...get cotton candy!" I say looking at the stand behind him. There was cotton candy in different shapes, sizes, flavors, and colors.
He looks at me in disappointment before looking at the stand.

I hurry over to it, ordering a heart shaped one. Kyo Had a blue one that was shaped like a flower.
By the time we had our cloud candy it was dark.
The sky was clear and fireworks were already in the sky. It was already time.
I looked over at Kyo who looked annoyed by the fireworks. "Let's go somewhere else. That loud ass noise is driving me nuts."

And just like that we were heading to the bridge. We finished our treats as we watched the fireworks light up the dark sky.
I almost forgot my mission. The sky was almost as pretty as Kyo. It was Magical!

"So, y/n. Y'know that game couples are playing, right?"

I was in disbelief. There was no way he was going to ask first, right? Did he feel the same way? I place my hand on the bridge rail, looking at Kyo. He looked back and we locked eyes.

"I heard that you wanted to play with me."
If there was any way I could have lost all of the soul in my body.. that must have been it.

"Yeah. Since we're alone, I don't mind playing with you." My soul immediately came back. My face lit up and I eagerly accept.
Not even seconds after, he inches closer to me. His lips tickled mine and soon the were connected. It was like I were flying. I felt like I were standing on clouds and tasting them too. Too bad it only lasted a few seconds.

Kyo severs our connected lips, looking down.
"Yummy." I praised. Only my body was on earth.
My head was off on cloud nine.

"I don't know.." But it didn't take long to bring me back. I looked at Kyo as he spoke.
"I mean- there's so much I wanna say.. I've wanted to do that for months. But now that I've done it.."

I knew he didn't like me.. maybe he just really wanted to play the game. But I ruined it for him, didn't I?
I began to cry before Kyo could finish.

"I felt the sparks that Scarle said I would. Do you know what this means, Y/n?"

I shook my head.

"It means that I'm in love with you! I mean- duh..you probably knew that part but.. since you're so dumb I said it anyway."

I was relieved but that didn't stop the tears. I couldn't help them from falling. I was so happy I didn't even know how to express it.
Giggling softly, I hug Kyo letting my tears fall into his chest. I felt his arms wrap around me again and it was the last thing I felt before I felt sparks of my own flay around. The pretty sky above us still being lit up.

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